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I went back to the small little house, where I was alone. Though honestly, I wasn't surprised. They had to be in training during the afternoon. So I curled up in the comfortable chair, and picked up where I left off on a book. Even with my mind having been mostly focused on killing Moone, I had still found ways to squeeze in reading time. At the cost of my own sleep, yes, though I didn't need much sleep anyways.

It felt strange to have so much free time, because before I had killed Moone, I had devoted hours upon hours to training so that Christina would let me go do it. Things were starting to settle down, though, and so I knew that I'd have more time to read, or more time to squeeze in sleep.

A few hours passed, and I decided to head out to the main dining area. Everything seemed to be quiet, as opposed to the hum of noise that usually covered the camp. Something was up. I broke into a run, although I feared what I'd find. Still, I needed to find my friends, so that if they were hurt, I could try to heal them.

All I saw was blood. Blood and corpses littering the ground. Not everybody was dead, but those who were living looked very weak. They would die soon. I dashed across the group, looking for Lillian, Isabelle, and Christina. I saw Isabelle, who was chopped up in bits and pieces. I cringed, as it was absolutely gruesome. Who had killed my friends?

Nearby, I saw Lillian, with a large, gaping hole in her stomach. She was dead, too. I felt a tear run down my face, and I kept going on through the crowd, trying to find Christina. It wasn't hard, that was for sure, because she was yowling out in pain. I ran through the corpse filled area, reaching her.

Christina's breathing was heavy, and it looked like it hurt her to breathe. Her blood was laying in pools all around her. "I am going to die, Adara." She choked out.

"No, Christina. I'm going to save you. You'll be alright."

"I won't, Adara. You need to go away from here, and find a place where you can live. Moone had many followers. Go to his lair, and take control. Take control. Stay safe. Take my power when I die, and use it to survive. You were like a daughter to me, Adara. And I will protect you. Take my power. Do it."

I saw her eyes lose their life, and then I saw a small whisp of something rising up from her body. It reminded me of smoke. But then it went into me, and I was flooded with power. But I felt something turning to stone inside of me. Not because of what Christina had done, but because of the loss I felt.

Nobody mattered anymore, now did they? I'd take control of Moone's stupid group of stupid lions, and then I'd take over everything. Everything would go right because my judgement was always right, and when I became in control, I would destroy them.

I changed into my lion form, not even bothering to gather any supplies. There were bound to be clothes and food at Moone's lair. I leapt from tree to tree, though it was only to go faster. I felt nothing but contempt for the human race. Christina and Lillian were good, and that didn't matter in the end, because they were both killed. So what even was the point of being nice, if others were going to take advantage of you?

I needed power, though, if I were to make things right. And I didn't care who I had to kill. After all, if the world actually cared, then all of my friends wouldn't be dead. I could see his lair in the distance, and when I reached it, I burst through the doors, growling for good measure. That scared those cowards right away, though they were somewhat cornered in the large building.

I changed back to my other form, my legs feeling strange. Still I brushed that aside, saying that I'd get to looking at it later. "I am not going to take any type of crap from you all. You are going to obey me or you are going to die. Moone may have died, but you know what? He was worthless. He was worthless and now he's dead. You will obey me or I will do to you what I did to him. Do I make myself clear?"

They looked at me, and though it looked like they were trying to hide it, I could see fear in their eyes. They were afraid of me. And that was a good feeling. I could feel power swelling up inside of me and I enjoyed that feeling. I was strong, and they were weak, and if we fought, I would win. That fact was there, and one hundred percent true.

"Hey!" I heard a voice in the audience shout out. "You came from that stupid camp, didn't you? You know that everybody there is dead, right? And you know who can take the blame on this one? You know who can? That right. It was me. Go ahead. Throw your best at me, and see if I can take it. I bet I can take it, you mutant freak."

I could see the guy who had said that, and rage flooded my being. I changed into my lion form and leaped, jumping onto him and driving my razor sharp fangs into his neck. The taste of his blood flooded my mouth, and I bit harder. I could hear him choking. I internally grinned as the life drained out of his eyes, and as his power became my power.

I changed back to my human form, furious yet satisfied. I shouted out a question to those in the room, just daring them to attack. "Who wants to die next?!"

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