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Sadly, things didn't decide to go my way. It had been almost a week since the capture of Lucas, and his execution was planned to be the next day. I even went through the trouble of sifting through swords and knives until I found the one that I would use against Lucas. I may not have used weapons against Moone, but I wasn't taking any chances.

Lucas was kept under intense watch, with there being at least one guard watching him at all times. At least, during the day. All throughout the day, a guard would always be there, monitoring and mentally recording Lucas's every move. He was right in my grasp, and I wasn't going to let him go. It was the night before the execution was planned to take place, and I was practically shaking with anticipation. Maybe I'd have peace. Probably not, but who needed peace when you had power there, just waiting for you to snatch it up and use it?

I couldn't get myself to fall asleep, with all of the anticipation rushing through me. So I just sat there, reading a book in the illuminated room, wishing that I still got the same enjoyment from it. The joy felt while reading wasn't as strong as the joy felt while killing or gaining power.

Then, all of a sudden, I heard sirens wailing, and the room flashed red. No! He couldn't be escaping. I'd kill him before he even got near the door! I swung open the doors of my room, then ran out of my room, frantically looking left, then right, then left again. He couldn't have gotten far. The cells were far back in my lair. He would have to run for a while to escape. There was still time to stop him in his tracks.

I let out a battle cry, then started sniffing the air as I ran. I could smell him. I could smell his terrible, wretched scent. And I could imagine me sinking fangs into his neck, and I could practically see life drain out of him. But only in my imagination. It would become reality soon enough.

I felt something brush past me in the chaos, and when I spun around, I saw Lucas. He saw me, and he lunged. I blocked him easily, them pushed him to the ground, standing over him. I laughed, then prepared myself for the kill. All of a sudden, there was a flash of red, bright light, and it temporarily blinded me. After a few seconds, my vision was clear again, and I could see Lucas dashing out the exit. I let out a very lion-like roar, digging the claws of my hind paws into the ground. My hands were balled into fists.

"Get him!" I shouted. "Get him and bring him back here alive. I want him alive so that I can drain the life from his scrawny little body! I don't care if some of you die in the process! Just get me Lucas and get him back here now!"

I could feel my blood boiling, and intense, angry heat radiated through my body. Lucas would not get away. He would be killed the second I saw him. He would die! I sat on my throne, with my thick, black cloak still adding to my look. I looked fearsome, but Lucas was too stupid to see that. If he really understood my power, he would have just let me kill him. He would've made things easier for me. I watched as my army ran out after Lucas.

Maybe a larger army was needed, I thought. Maybe there would be some supernatural creatures in those human towns. And who cared if they didn't want to join me? It wasn't as if they would have a choice. In fact.... It wasn't as if anybody in that town would have a choice. Though most of them weren't supernatural creatures, almost every human owned a gun. That fact could be to my advantage.

When the army returned, they didn't have Lucas. But I was less focused on that, and more focused on heading into the towns. I quickly gathered my supplies, and made sure that my magic was working well and good. I would need my magic to control those humans, though it wouldn't be too much of a task. Human minds are weak minds, I mentally mused.

"Wh-where are you going?" One of the people in my army asked.

"To the human town. Human minds are always so easy to twist and warp. I'll have Lucas captured in no time."

I focused on making those wings appear, and they did, looking even darker than they had the last time I had summoned them. I gave my wings a few flaps and flew out the front door, increasing my speed as I did so. The world blurred as I flew, and before I knew it, I was at the human town. They were all doing normal, human things. It wouldn't stay that way for long, however.

I gave my wings several large flaps, which made the town's people fall over. "Behold, your new ruler." I boomed, then began to take control.

It was easy, honestly. I barely had to use any magic for the first thousand people. I focused harder, imagining roots being planted in their minds, and I knew that they wouldn't even think of obeying. Within a mere few minutes, I had the whole city under my control, and I made them follow me back to my lair. I branded each and every single one of them, but the brand was different on them. I had enchanted the branding iron to make them unable to disobey me - ever. Then, I let go of the roots, knowing that they'd still listen to me.

They were all confused, but that didn't matter. They could still find Lucas. They could bring him to me so I could kill him. And so it was at that moment when I issued the command for the humans to go and find Lucas.

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