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Long story short, I was mostly human, but partially not human. When my mostly human self emerged from the lion, I didn't even think to see if anything had gone wrong. I didn't immediately see anything wrong with the transformation. That was, until Moone pointed it out to me.

"Oh dear," I heard him mutter as he ran his fingers through his hair in a nervous fashion. "This is not good."

I opened my mouth to speak, remembering that I finally could speak again. "What's... What's wrong?" My voice sounded weak, probably from going so long without speaking.

"Well, when I was adjusting the machine, something went wrong. It looked like a minuscule problem, but when I tried to fix it, it kept reverting to the way it was. Because it was so small, I thought that it wouldn't affect anything. So I went ahead as usual, and I turned on the machine. But now... I'm not really sure how to properly explain this to you without freaking you out or making you lose control over your emotions, so... Just look behind you and please don't freak out. This was an accident - I swear."

My heart pounded as I looked behind me. I may have been mostly human, but some features stayed. The most noticeable one of them all was a large, long tail that started at the base of my spine. Oh gosh. That was what Moone had been talking about, wasn't it? My lion features - well, some of them - had stayed even though I had changed back.

I looked at Moone, anger bubbling beneath the surface of my skin. "Start explaining why this happened."

"I already did." He stated.

"But why, of all things, did it have to be a tail?"

"About that... The tail wasn't the only thing that showed up."

"Alright, what else showed up to ruin my life?"

"I'll direct you to your room so that you can see for yourself. I believe that your reaction may be better if you are alone while you see."

There were two doors in the room, and one of them led to a series of more doors. "Your room is number 383. Come down to the main hall in -" he checked his watch "-two and a half hours."

He closed the door, leaving me in the hall of doors, alone. I sighed, trying to stop the anger from blowing me up. Still, I began walking, looking for the door to my room. Eventually, I found it, and swung open the door. It opened with a loud creaking noise, which was loud. I winced as I shut the door behind me, looking for a mirror. There wasn't one in the bedroom, but there was one in the bathroom.

What I saw in the mirror made me want to scream. Instead of normal, human ears, I had animal like, tan furred lion ears atop my head. And instead of my normal brown eyes, my eyes had become golden and feline, with slits for pupils. Ugh! When I saw Moone, I was gonna... I was going to show him that I was angry - furious even. He really thought that a little technical difficulty wouldn't affect me?! How could somebody possibly be so ignorant?!

I wanted to shout out Moone's name, and I wanted that shout to be full of anger and fury. However, I knew that it'd be no use. I'd confront him in a few hours, and by then, I could have an entire speech planned out to shout in his face. It was his fault that I had become some... Some cat!

I collapsed onto the bed in my small room, glad that I could finally let tears flow. Any hope that I had was gone. When I was a full lion, there was still hope that I'd be fully human again, and that I could go home. But all hope had left the second I had seen that good for nothing lion's tail. I knew that I could never return to my old life. And it was all because of Moone. He was the one who had turned me, according to that metal man. Apparently Moone was linked to my dream, too.

Hours flew by like birds fleeing from predators, and before I knew it, it was time to go down to the main hall. I got up, not used to being some part human, part lion freak. It was all Moone's fault. He was to blame. And soon, I would get my revenge on that tiger faced, worthless leader. Thoughts of hatred flooded my mind as I made my way down the hallway and to the main hall. It was that huge, stone entrance area, where I had first seen Moone. The huge rock was there, too.

Moone began walking into the hall. It was just him and I, and he had a sort of apologetic look on his face. He really thought that I was going to forgive him that easily? Was Moone, the very person who had sent me that dream and somehow caused me to become a lion... Really that stupid? Well, he was the reason I had lion features as a human, so that did make sense on how he was such an idiot.

"I'm not going to forgive you!" I shouted, my tone angry yet sad. That, of course, was my mood.

"I didn't know that this would happen. I thought that it wouldn't affect you as much as it did! The same thing happened for me when... When they trapped me in lion form, and hardly anything happened. Sure, my eyes changed a tad, but that's hardly anything. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that I'm sorry. I didn't... Didn't mean for this to happen. Can you forgive me at all?"

"No." I replied. "It's going to take a lot more than a small speech to get me to forgive you. I can never go home to my family! Do you even know how that feels?!"

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