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I spun in a full circle, looking around for the source of the voice.

"Who goes there?" I demanded.

They chuckled, and I felt my ears twitch and turn as I searched for the source of the sentence.

"You need not know that just yet, lion child. We see you as worthy... Or at least I do. I will need to discuss the decision with my council before you are allowed in. But we have been watching you, and they all agree that you are a valuable asset. The question remains, however. If we offered you the opportunity, would you accept? We don't just offer this deal out to anyone, you know."

"I don't even know who - or where - you are! How am I supposed to agree to something without that information?"

"I cannot come out just yet. But know that if you accept, we will train you in the ways of our warriors, until you are the most powerful of your kind. You do desire that, correct? I can tell that the tone of your thoughts is quite the belligerent one, is it not?"

"You'd... You'd train me?"

"Well, that is what you want. I can tell that you want power, right from the tone of your thoughts. That's not surprising. Plenty of creatures want power. But you... You actually have the potential to gain it. If I offer you the option to join my clan, I do not want to be turned down. Give me an answer right here, and right now. Do you want to be part of my clan?"

I thought for a few minutes, my thoughts - and my heart - racing. How did I know that it wasn't a trick? That was the main factor in my doubt, the other being my cowardice - I buried that down as deep as I could - but they were offering me power. They were giving me the chance to defeat Moone. Moone was the one to blame for my pain, both physically and emotionally. Maybe, just maybe, if I destroyed Moone, and ripped his worthless heart out of his worthless body, then I just might be able to relieve som of that anguish.

I turned to face the source of the voice, heart beating faster and faster as a result of the adrenaline rushing through my veins. I swallowed, looked up, reminded myself of the power, and finally spoke. "I'll join."

"Very well," the voice croaked back. "You really are worthy, aren't you? Stay here and wait for me to return. I am sure that my clan will be overjoyed at the fact that you decided to join us."

I heard the sound of crinkling leaves, and then there was no sound except for birds chirping merrily along. I sighed as I adjusted myself into a sitting position and waited for the person to return. I shut my eyes for a bit, imagining how good it would feel to murder Moone and make him burn. My mouth watered just thinking about it. And I grinned, too, which just turned into laughter. He was going to regret even coming into my life after I was done with him. Moone was going to wish that he had ever been born!

I held my knife tightly as I waited for the person, scraping signs and swirls into the dirt with my blade. It was relaxing, but only a bit. I was still angry at Moone, and that was what prevented me from being calm. Would I ever feel calm again? I laughed at my own stupidity, knowing that I probably wouldn't. I'd just be stressed forever.

An hour or so later, they returned, walking through the grass and undergrowth. Suddenly, I could see them. She were tiger from the waist down, and her eyes glowed red. Honestly, if she was put in a dark room, her eyes could probably be used as a light source. I looked away from the light.

"Do not worry," she said. "The light from my eyes will leave momentarily. Follow me; we are heading back to the camp. You have been accepted in, as you most likely could tell."

I stood up, following the woman. My footsteps were still light, but the woman's were lighter, and she seemed more agile than I was. Her animalistic features shown through more, but that was obvious. She was practically a tiger version of a centaur. I allowed my though to drift all of a sudden, for a good few minutes.

"You didn't tell me your name." I finally said, looking at the woman from behind.

"I am Christina, to most. I do not give out my real name, for fear of control."

"What do you mean by that? And does anybody know your actual name?"

"Names control the powerful. I don't know your name; none of the tribe does. I suggest that you come up with a fake name to use instead. And as for the other question, the only people who know are currently dead."

"That's... Nice to know."

"Indeed it is. We are almost at the camp ground. Your training begins tomorrow, where you will learn how to increase your power as well as learn dark magic. By the time you're done with your main training, you'll certainly being stronger than that old fool." Christina said.

I tried to fight back a grin, but couldn't. The thought of destroying Moone made me want to laugh with joy, like it always did. You could call me insane, or crazy, but I didn't care. I wouldn't rest until all of those who had wronged me in the past few days were dead. I planned to start with Moone, then get everybody else that I had missed.

"It will just be a few more minutes until we reach the camp."

I nodded in acknowledged, my feet beginning to start to feel sore from all the walking. It was a long walk back to camp. But it was finally worth it when we walked past the final bush and reached camp.

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