IV: The Revival of Flynn Camden

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"Is that . . . Flynn . . .?" I asked hesitantly. Sammy looked at me. She was taller than me. I realized that then.

"Flynn Andrew Camden," she said. "That's his bones. Trust me."

Lucy, Alice and I exchanged a look.

"So how are we supposed to bring him back?" I asked, crossing my arms. "Where's Death? We can't make a deal with him if he ain't here."

"Oh, he's here." A sly smirk plays at Sammy's perfect lips. I raised an eyebrow.

"Then how do we make the deal . . .?" I asked.

"Ask him. Actually, Lucy dear?" Sammy pulls a knife from her boot. "Cut open your palm and pour your blood on Mr. Camden's bones. Bandit, I need you to ask Death to bring him back." I glanced at Lucy. She grabbed the knife from Sammy and slid it across her palm, dark blood bubbling to the surface. She handed the knife back to Samantha and clenched her fist, the blood dripping onto Flynn's bones. I glanced away.

"Death . . .?" I asked hesitantly. "Hey. So, um, awkward question. Could ya bring back my buddy, Flynn Camden here?" I waited for a response. "Okay. So maybe we should talk sinner-to-sinner. Yeah. I'm a sinner. I gave blowjobs to the boys in church. I used to shoot down birds and rabbits and then pull out their organs. I  slept with everyone in my apartment complex when I was eighteen. I drank holy water and it burned my throat. I'm atheist but if I weren't, hell, I'd be a Satanist. Now will you bring Flynn back? Please?"

Samantha handed me the knife. I hesitated before slitting open my wrist and pouring the blood over Flynn's blood-soaked bones. Alice eventually did the same.

An hour passed before a black cat passed by and sat on Flynn's bones. He purred and licked Flynn's skull.

Then, like magic, the cat scurried over to me and Flynn sat up, his bones mended and covered in flesh.  

Flynn Andrew Camden was dead for three years. When he came back to life, we instantly rushed him to the hospital. The doctors, when they saw that his skin was white and his eyes were black, rushed him to the oh-so-loved ICU. 

He was later deemed perfectly fine and was released back into the wild. 

"Where do you want to go, Flynn?" I asked him hesitantly once we returned to my house. He recognized me but didn't know who anyone else was. 

"Si . . ." he muttered, sitting on my torn up sofa. The damned cat from the cemetery followed us home and sat on Flynn's lap. "Where's . . . Si . . . M . . . Ann?" He looked up at me. I noticed then that one of his black eyes had faded back to hazel. The other stayed the same. His skin was pale and dotted with freckles. His black hair brushed his eyes and curled around his nape. Blood and dirt was caked under his cracked finger nails. There was a faint scar along his throat, almost as if someone had slit it. 

"Flynn," I said. "English. Where do you want to go? Anywhere in the world. Well, anywhere in New Orleans. Where do you want--" My gaze drifted to the others. "Oh. By the way . . . Lucy, Alice, Samantha, this is Flynn. Flynn. Lucy, Alice, and Samantha. Or Sammy. Or Sam. No clue who the cat is . . ." 

Flynn stood up and the cat meowed loudly. He sighed and sat back down, the cat purring loudly. 

"Si . . ." Flynn murmured, stroking the cat's fur. I glanced at Sammy who shrugged in response. "I want to go . . ." Before Flynn Andrew Camden could finish what he was saying, he disappeared into thin air. 

When Flynn returns Lucy, Alice, Sammy, the cat and I were in our favorite bar: the Bitchy Witchy. We couldn't seem to lose the damned cat . . . 

I slid into the booth in the far back. Sammy sat next to me, Alice and Lucy across from us. The cat sat in the middle of the table. The waitress who came over to our table gave me a look of disgust when she saw the cat. 

"What can I get ya' tonight?" She asked. My eyes drifted to her chest. I saw her name tag and furrowed my brow at the name. Jemmara. I had heard the name before. Somewhere . . . I looked back at her face. Smooth almost silver skin with dusty pink hair tied back in a sloppy bun. Her eyes were an intense blue. Obviously contacts. Her eyes were framed in a dramatic winged eyeliner and reddish blackish smokey eye shadow. Her lips were painted dark red, the color of dried blood. She had a tattoo of a cross on fire on her shoulder and across her chest read the words Ab insidiis diaboli. The words looked as if they were burned into her skin, irritating her flesh like a brand put on a horse. She wore a black shirt with a cartoon devil on it. Her black shorts were ripped as well as her fishnet tights. The holes were held together with safety pins. She had creeper boots up to her knees. There was a patch on her shorts that had the letters MJSE and a flaming bible and cross below and above it. 

"Whiskey," I said. "Strongest shit you have." Jemmara scribbled it down on her notepad. Her nails were black with red splatters on them like blood. 

"Margarita," Alice said, propping her boots on the table. The cat hissed and scurried to the other end of the table. 

"Whatever you have that's hot, strong, and enough to give me hangover I wish I were dead," Lucy said, smirking slightly. 

"Vodka," Sammy said, casting a dirty look at Alice until she pulled her feet down. Jemmara nodded and sauntered off. 

Flynn appeared next to Sammy a moment later. His black hair was tousled and he smelled of salt. Because his clothes were dripping with salt water I knew that he was somewhere by the ocean. Rather, somewhere in the ocean . . . 

"What the hell, Camden?!" Lucy exclaimed, completely shocked when Flynn appeared. He stared at her with his weird eyes.

"Simon called me," he said simply. One he said the name Simon, the cat stood up and jumped onto Flynn's lap. "Hello, Simon." 

Jemmara soon returned with a tray of drinks. She looked at Flynn with a look of confusion but passed out our drinks. 

"It's called a Flaming Orgasm," she said as she gave Lucy her drink. "My personal favorite. You'll wish you were dead by morning with the hangover that devil there brings." She winked before walking off. I caught Flynn staring at her ass. 

"So . . ." I said, taking a drink of my whiskey. "MJSE. It was on Jemmara's shorts. What does it mean? Sound's awfully familiar . . ." 

Lucy's eyes widen and she nearly spits out her Flaming Orgasm. 

"MJSE?!" She exclaimed, startling Simon. The cat scrambled off of Flynn's lap and jumped onto the table, his fur spiked up. He calmed down a bit after drinking from my whiskey. I frowned, disgusted, and pushed the glass away. 

"Yeah. MJSE. The hell's that?" I asked, elbowing Simon off the table. He hissed and jumped back onto Flynn's lap. 

"Miss Jemma's School of Evil," Lucy explained, taking a cautious swig of her filthy drink. "It's run by Miss Jemma. She's a demon. Lures in children and eats out their organs. She's awfully scary."

I raised an eyebrow.

"So you think Jemmara works for Miss Je--" I cut myself off.

"Jemmara is Miss Jemma," Alice said sassily. "Obviously. Jemmara. Jemma."

"And how the hell do you know this, Luce?" I asked, watching Simon leap back onto the table and finish drinking my whiskey. 

She shrugged. "Ask Helena." 

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