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I told you there would be more. 

So I'll repeat the ones from before as well as the new ones and the locations used and stuff. There will be maybe one or two more but almost all the characters have been introduced!

(Also, if there is a * by the name or location, it is used for Bandit's cult or they are a part of the cult.)

*Bandit: Bandit is the main character. Her real name is Adelaide Lee, though she refuses to go by that name (you'll find out why, later). Her mother was murdered and her father abandoned her, leaving her orphaned at a young age. She's currently twenty one years old and living in New Orleans. Bandit is lesbian and currently is (technically) dating October Mae. She's the shyest of the group, though she's been "elected" their leader, as they all follow what she does. She's also the most normal (so far) of them all (even though she can't ever die).

*Lucy: Lucy is one of Bandit's friends and a part of her cult. She is also the Devil. She has a black goat named Leviathan that follows her around wherever she goes. She's twenty one years old and seems to know everyone and all of their secrets. Lucy and Alice never seemed to like each other and Lucy still seems to hate her. 

*Samantha: Also known as Sammy, Samantha is a witch and a therapist. She's the same age as Bandit and Lucy, though she seems to act way older. She met Lucy when Flynn died and met Bandit later on. She's also a member of Bandit's cult. Sammy seems to be a part of "Code APO" and is rather good friends with Helena. She also can't die, can't fall sick, and seems to never need to eat. She's bisexual, though she tends to keep it secret. She is also the Horseman Death.

*Alice: Alice was the first person to join Bandit's cult when Bandit's mother died. She's a year older than the others, though she looks younger. Alice loves to wander around cemeteries and seems to always be lost in her mind. She's single and everyone knows that she's asexual yet loves romance. Alice also seems to be bipolar, as she can never control her moods or the strange and destructive actions she has.

*Flynn: Flynn was killed when he was eighteen and was recently revived by Bandit, Lucy, Sammy, and Alice. Since his revival, he hasn't been acting the same. He's seemed very off and can't fully speak. Most of what he says is gibberish, though he can speak clearly some times. He seems to be attracted to Jemma and is very close friends with Bandit, although he has started to spend more time with Simon than anyone else. He's been a part of Bandit's cult for as long as he can remember. Flynn is also  the Horseman Famine.

*October Mae: Though she is a fairly new character, OM is dating Bandit and will be important later. She's a psychic who can see the past instead of the future and is twins with Callie. She has really strange eyes that seem to pull Bandit under a spell. She has a strange past that she described vaguely and seems to have too much money for someone who dropped out of high school and works as a psychic. She is currently missing. 

*Callie: Even though she looks nothing like her, Callie is OM's twin sister. Practically raised by her grandmother, Callie became a psychic who can read the future. She's extra nice to everyone and unlike OM, her eyes are dull and normal. She's more gypsy and looks like a stereotypical fortune-telling psychic. She never went to college and she is an excellent fortune teller, although she never seems to tell the truth.

*Simon: Simon first appeared as a cat and later transformed into a human. He's exceptionally close with Flynn and won't let Flynn leave his side. So far he's been in the hospital twice and will continue returning there, as he can't seem to stay healthy. Simon is also supposedly a part of this so-called "Code APO" that his friends are obsessed with. He's at member in Bandit's cult and is the Horseman Pestilence. 

*Helena: She was the first to bring up the whole "Code APO" thing. She's best friends with Sammy and is a member of Bandit's cult. She needs to dress sexy "in order to eat," but Bandit is suspicious that she isn't eating actual food but other things. She's incredibly outgoing, though scary and not someone you would want to get in a fight with. She is the Horseman War. 

*Jemma: Jemma, also known as Jemmara, is a demon who works at the lovely Bitchy Witchy and runs the hellhole called Miss Jemma's School of Evil. She eats children and has been around for thousands of years. She can't die and will not tell anyone how to kill her. She likes Flynn and seems attracted to him. Slightly. She's friends with Helena and is now a part of Bandit's cult.

*Atticus: Atticus was a member of a different cult that Insomnia managed to kill. He joined Insomnia after that and is usually a very angry person. He doesn't seem to have any weird specialities about him. Yet. 

*Glitch: Glitch worked for the circus Fortuna at the sideshow. He can't feel anything and was tortured for amusement. He is "friends" with Gabriel and is dating Thomason. No one knows why he is called Glitch except for Thomason. 

*Thomason: Thomason also worked at Fortuna with Glitch since he can't feel pain. He is a transgender and is extremely shy, although he is amazing at magic and witchcraft. He is also "friends" with Gabriel, though he seems to hate him more than Glitch does. 

*Gabriel: Also know as the bitchy archangel. He is an archangel that fell to Hell and is now on the Hell Hounds' shit list. He was rescued by Thomason, Glitch, and Bandit but hates all three of them. He can get into people's heads and often does just to piss them off. 

Mrs. Schade: An elderly woman that helps Bandit. She is also known as the Sad Lady and rarely leaves her house. She has been around since the twenties and is practically immortal. 

Mrs. Hyde: Another elderly woman, also known as the Tooth Fairy because of her tooth fetish. She has also been around since forever and is also practically immortal. 


*The Bitchy Witchy: A bar that Bandit's cult seems to always hang out at. It's tucked away from the big city and is where most vagabonds and magic-users hang out. Jemma works there under the name of Jemmara. Most of the cult goes there after something shitty happened or after sex.

*Common: An old abandoned laundromat that the cult goes to when they want privacy. The place used to have a name but they decided on "Common" once they broke in. They tend to order pizza and alcohol and will hang out there late at night once the BW has closed.

Callie's Psychic Shop: The name says it all XD This is where Callie works and spends most of her time, luring in tourists and hopeless and pathetic scum off the streets to give them a way overpriced and very shitty fortune.

OM's Psychic Shop: Again, title says all. OM works here, though she is going to start spending more time with the cult. She gives out more genuine fortunes and the place is more welcoming and modern inside. There is a back room that she keeps closed off to everyone--including her girlfriend, Bandit.

*Miss Jemma's School of Evil: An old abandoned schoolhouse in the middle of freaking nowhere that the demon Jemma took over and uses to lure in her prey. Since it's old and abandoned and supposedly haunted by the ghosts of Jemma's victims, tourists from all over come there and are killed by Jemma.

*The New Orleans Cemetery (AKA the Devilswood Cemetery): Title, again, says it all. The NOC is where all the deceased (who have bodies or remains left) are buried. It is also the site in which Flynn was revived and is used by many witches for rituals. It's where Alice likes to spend most of her time when she isn't at the BW or at Common or with the cult. 

Mrs. Schade's house: Where Mrs. Schade lives.

Mrs. Hyde's house: Where the infamous Tooth Fairy lives.

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