XXI: Common Massacre

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I refused to visit Flynn in the hospital. Not because I didn't like him, but because I didn't want to go back to that place.

I also refused to visit because I had gotten another very important message. Not another trial, but a message from October Mae. Callie delivered me the message;

Come by the shop. We need to talk. It is important.



I had crumpled the paper and thrown it away but still dressed decently and walked through the Slum City to her shop in Eldorado. I pushed open the door and walked inside, looking around for October Mae. It had been some time since we had last seen each other and I didn't even have the slightest clue as to what she wanted to talk about. Leaving me clueless? Abandoning me? I shook my head and continued scanning the shop.

"You actually showed," October Mae's quiet voice piped up from behind me. "I didn't think you would . . ." I spun around to face her. She looked exhausted with heavy purple bags under her eyes and dressed in a simple black dress with a hoodie over it.

"You are my girlfriend," I muttered, avoiding eye contact with her. "What did you want to talk wi' me 'bout?" I asked, quacking changing the subject I so desired to avoid. October Mae adjusted her glasses. A pointless gesture.

"I'm breaking up with you," she said, finally breaking the silence. I raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed. "I can't--" She sighed. "I have something really important going on right now and I can't be with you for it. I hope you understand . . ."

I burst out laughing. She was really breaking up with me? That was what this whole thing was about? She disappeared for a long time and returned just to tell me that?! I continued laughing until I sank to my knees, unable to even catch my breath to speak.

Once I was able to talk I didn't stop; "No. No, you don't getta do somethin' like that without givin' me an explanation as to why the fucking hell you disappeared on me! I was--am--losing my mind in some old lady's house because I had talked with a ghost! You don't get to leave and break up with me. You can choose one or the other and it's very obvious which one you fucking chose! You know what? No. I'm breaking up with you. Why I even bothered to date you, I have no clue. But right now I have more important things to worry about. Like, not getting mauled to death by some psycho dead witch bitch's Hell Hounds!" I stormed past her and swung open the door, flipping her off as I walked into the street.

It took me some time to compose myself and once I did I was in Callie's shop, sitting at her table sipping a mug of awful tasting herbal tea. She was laying a spread of beautifully colored tarot cards in front of me, taking in a gentle tone the whole time. Once she finished laying the spread, I set my mug down and watched as she flipped them each over.

"The first one is your present," she explained, reading the card. "You're afraid. Unprepared for what might come. The second is the challenge. You're facing something you can't explain." My thoughts flew to Ada. She was a ghost and I couldn't explain why I was afraid of such a seemingly harmless thing . . .

Callie continued reading my cards; my future was full of more unexplainable beings and darkness fighting light; my above was simply success; my below was a desire for love. My advice was to give in to the darkness, which I found useless to follow and my influences were also unexplainable things. My fears were lightness and my outcome was unclear, according to Callie.

I left it up to her to decide what it all meant. She was, after all, the psychic.

She then read my tea leaves. All she saw was a faint M and a faint N and nothing else that was clear. She decided that it was useless and worthless.

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