XX: The Exorcism of Miss Jemma

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"We aren't even sure how you managed to survive." I had blocked out the voice of the doctor a long time ago but he continued to drone on. I protested by yanking the flimsy bed sheet over my head. It didn't do much besides dim the light slightly. I could still hear and see the doctor. 

"It's like some miracle from God," he continued. I pressed my scarred lips together. They still tasted faintly of blood. 

"Don't like God," I muttered, chewing off a dried clump of blood from my bottom lip. I spat it on the rock-solid pillow my head rested on. 

He didn't seem to hear my comment. 

"That much poison was enough to kill ten--maybe fifteen--grown men. You're just a young woman and you managed to survive the amount of it; and you're almost in perfect condition!" 

I yanked the sheet off of my head and sat straight up. 

"Look, doc, I know it's some scientific miracle or whatever but if I'm in 'perfect condition' ain't I eligible to leave this hell hole? Hmm?" I arched an eyebrow and watched him for a response.

"Not until someone checks you out," he said simply. Before I could protest any more he turned and left the room. Once the door shut I took a deep breath and screamed; "THOMASON! GLITCH! YOU BASTARDS GET THE HELL IN HERE AND GET ME THE HELL OUT!" 

It took just over a second for Glitch to materialize from thin air, holding his hands over his ears. 

"Sweet Jesus, woman!" He groaned. "Cut the screamin' and we'll get you outta here!" I crossed my arms but smiled sweetly. 

"My boys." I grinned, faking joy. "C'mon, get me out." 

"Tom is workin' on it," Glitch muttered. "Jesus, I think you made my--holy shit you made my ears bleed!" He held up his hand, showing a gleam of red blood covering his palm. I rolled my eyes and tossed myself back, pretending like I didn't care. I really didn't. I just died and I was tired. And not in the mood to talk with anyone. 

Several minutes passed before Thomason returned, grinning, his white hair a mess. 

"So I might've maybe murdered someone but Bandit darling, you're free from this place!" He tossed the papers on my bed and I eagerly snatched them up. Without reading them I jumped out of the bed and didn't even bother putting clothes on over my gown as I dashed out of the room. 

As we ran out of the hospital I caught a glimpse of a bloody handprint on one of the "employees only" doors. I shot Thomason a glance and he shrugged, still grinning. 

When I got home, the rest of my cult was there. Sammy held my phone and the others were huddled around, trying to read whatever was on the screen. 

"Gimme that," I demanded as I yanked my phone away from her. She looked up and smiled. 

"You're alive," she said like it was no big deal. It really wasn't. After all, I died so often. 

"Why did you read my text messages?" I asked, skimming the one she was just reading. "They're mi--" I cut myself off. "Shit . . ." I turned to look at everyone; Glitch and Thomason had joined the group. "Trial Two; Exorcise a demon from Hell. One day to complete the trial or the Hell Hounds will get you." I swallowed back my sudden fear and let my phone slip from my hand. My gaze darted to Jemma. She noticed and glared at me, subtlety flipping me off as she did. 

"You ain't exorcising me," Jemma muttered. 

"Wouldn't dream of it," I retorted. "You're the only demon here. You can find me a demon to exorcise tonight." 

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