VIII: A Very Predictable Date

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At around six I decided to get ready for my unexpected date with October Mae. I put on a simple black dress with white stockings and my favorite  Mary Janes. I let my black hair hang loose, though I curled it slightly. I winged my eyeliner and covered my pierced lips with a light coat of translucent lip gloss. I glanced outside and saw that it was still raining. I sighed and put my black peacoat on over my dress and grabbed my black umbrella with a Ouija board design in the interior. Before leaving, I shoved my phone into my purse and walked out of my house and towards October Mae's psychic shop. 

She was waiting for me outside. Her brown hair was back in a bun, her bangs curled around her forehead and the rim of her thick glasses. She had a dark greenish-brownish eyeshadow on that brought out her freakishly intensely green eyes and bright red lipstick on her full lips. Over her slim body was a dark, earthy green dress and she had brown ballet shoes to match. I held my hand out for her to take, which she gladly did. 

"Where are we going?" I asked, adjusting my Ouija umbrella so it covered the both of us.

"La Luna," she replied, smiling softly. Whether it was aimed towards me or simply for herself, I couldn't tell. 

"La Luna?" I raised an eyebrow, surprised. La Luna was a fancy restaurant by the ocean. Only the fanciest and richest stuck up preps in all of New Orleans went there. I didn't know about October Mae, but I wasn't fancy, rich, stuck up, or preppy. In fact, I was just some goth psychotic freak who lived off of alcohol, Ouija boards, and the occasional lesbian I met at a coffee shop. When I went to coffee shops. Which I rarely ever did. 

October Mae nodded, silent, and continued leading me to the fancy-rich-stuck up-prep hole. 

We got there several minutes later. I closed my umbrella and handed it to the waiter by the door. October Mae and I then shed our coats and handed them to the angry looking waiter. Another waiter came by and led us to our table. 

"I don't think anyone is happy that we are here," I whispered once we sat down and were left alone. October Mae looked up from her menu and shrugged.

"Because we are both girls?" She shook her head and looked back at the menu that I realized was in half French.

"Are you even lesbian?" I asked, looking up again.

"No. Pansexual. But that's good enough, yeah?" She adjusted her glasses and set the menu down just as the waiter came back. 

I ended up having October Mae order for me, since I couldn't pronounce any of the items on the menu to save my life. She ordered the same thing for me as she ordered for herself. I had no idea what it was until the waiter came back. There was something slimy and green on the plate as well as something more solid and whitish. I saw October Mae take a bite so I did the same. Somehow, it managed to taste rather good. 

"Are you really a psychic?" I asked, taking a drink of the fancy (and rather expensive) champagne she ordered. 

"Yes," she said simply in response.

"Predict my future."

"Can't. Callie predicts the future." She looked at me. I was drawn in by her exotic green eyes. "I can read the past." My eyes widened with surprise. I had never heard of a psychic who couldn't read the future, but could read the past. 

"Then tell me my past," I said, doubting her slightly. 

October Mae took a sip of her champagne. "You were born in the year 1985, on the thirty-first day of October. Halloween. Your mother left your family to be a stripper. She was murdered because of that. Your father left you soon after to start his life over. You're Wiccan, though you've always been too scared to do witchcraft. You had your first date when you were in the ninth grade. It was with a girl named Audrey. You lost your virginity two years after to someone with the name of Alexia. Would you like me to continue?" I shook my head, having heard enough. 

We finished our dinner in silence and October Mae paid, not tipping the waiter. We gathered our coats and my Ouija umbrella and walked out of La Luna. 

"Did I scare you?" She asked once we were well away from La Luna. "With all that information on your past?"

I blinked a few times. 

"No, you didn't scare me. I was just shocked," I said softly. "That you could calmly talk about my past. Nobody ever can. I can't even talk about my past . . . And it's my past . . ." I looked down at my shoes. "My mother snapped. Changed completely. My daddy just left me. Alone. Without anyone. I love the Horned God and the Triple Goddess but I'm terrified  that if I even attempt a spell, it will backfire and everyone else I love will die. Alexia . . . she shoved me into the janitor's closet at a school dance and forced me to . . ." I shook my head before looking back at October Mae. Her green eyes were soft and empathetic. 

"Do you want to know about my past?" She asked gently, lacing her fingers with mine. Her touch was warm, comforting, inviting. I wanted to bottle the feeling up and keep it forever. I nodded to answer her question, wanting to know every little detail about the strange psychic.

We turned a corner before she started talking. "I was born on July nineteenth, 1984. Callie was born first. I was born fifteen minutes later. We were both born in Salem, Oregon. Our grandmother was a psychic such as Callie. She could tell the future. Read auras. Those sorts of things. She trained the both of us. We practically lived in her dusty old house. 

"When we were sixteen, our mother went into labor. Her third child. Our parents both died in a car accident on the way there. Our baby brother was saved somehow. He's six now. Wasn't allowed to grow up with us . . . we still visited him. 

"I dropped out of high school when I was seventeen. I became a full-time psychic. Callie graduated but never went to college. You don't need to go when you get paid to tell someone what you see, you know? Well . . . I moved here with Cal last year. People here are crazy about psychics and voodoo and that shit." She grinned a bit, rubbing her thumb over the back of my hand. 

We got back to October Mae's shop a few silence-filled minutes later. She gave me a quick kiss on the forehead before waving goodbye and going inside. I stood in the rain for a few more minutes before walking home. 

Once I closed the front door of my house and stared into the dimly lit room, I smiled softly to myself. For the first time in what seemed like years, I had someone who loved me and only me. I wasn't going to ruin that any time soon. I would not let October Mae find out my deepest and darkest secret; even if the woman was a psychic. 

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