XVII: Bitchy Archangels Wear Leather

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Glitch raised an eyebrow after I finished my explanation a day after leaving Mrs. Schade's house. 

"We have to do a ritual?" He asked skeptically. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. 

"Yes. We have to do a ritual. That's what Gabriel said. He also said you two would know how to do this summoning ritual. So you two better help me summon that bitchy little angel from Hell," I murmured. Thomason silently got up and walked to my bookshelf. He scanned the books until he pulled out my copy of the Book of Shadows. I had never used it before. Thomason calmly opened the book to the third quarter of it and scanned the page until he found something. 

"You have salt, right?" He asked as he walked into my kitchen. "Never mind. Found it." I stood up and walked to the kitchen to watch. He held the large book in one hand and opened a cupboard to pull out a big bowl. He set the bowl on the counter and poured all the salt into it. 

Glitch joined us a moment later. 

"Bay leaves?" Thomason asked. 

"Third drawer down from where you are," I mumbled. Thomason grabbed them and took two of them and put them in the bowl with the salt. 

"Infernum . . ." He muttered to himself as he flipped the page. "Bandit, get me these ingredients. I'll work on the other things." He handed me the book. I scanned the page and started gathering the ingredients--both from inside my house and from my garden outside. When I finished putting the ingredients in the bowl and mixing them together Thomason came back with a large kitchen knife. He murmured something else as he slit his wrist and poured the blood into the spell. 

Glitch wrapped Thomason's wrist tightly before striking a match I didn't know he had and dropping it into the spell. 

"Say the spell," Thomason said through clenched teeth. I could tell that he was fighting to stay alive. I flipped the pages until I found a familiar set of words. 

"Occide, et Angelis; Caelum et Infernum!" I chanted, watching the red smoke rise from the bowl. "Conjuro te Gabriel archangelus caeli carcere inferni!" The smoke turned from red to blue to white before disappearing and leaving nothing in the bowl. 

"Finally!" The three of us turned at the familiar voice of Gabriel. Standing in my kitchen was an archangel. Though he looked nothing like an angel. He wore leather pants and a black Motionless in White band T-shirt. He wore nearly identical Doc Martens as Lucy and Alice and sported earrings, lip rings, and even a nose ring. The only non-metal thing about him was the fact that he wore no makeup, had brown hair pulled back in a braid, and blue eyes. Except he had no whites of his eyes or pupils. They were just two ice blue blobs. 

Before Gabriel could say anything else he fell to the ground, unconscious. I rushed over to him to check if he was alive. I noticed that along the nape of his neck was a tattoo. The Insomnia symbol as well as our famous saying: Occide, et Angelis; Caelum et Infernum. 

I checked his pulse only to find that he had none. I checked to see if he was breathing. He was. 

When Gabriel woke up several hours later he seemed rather annoyed with me. 

"Too many people here," he snapped as he sat up. I looked at the others who had gathered in my room. 

"Should I introduce you to them?" I asked in a sassy tone.

"I already know them," he grumbled. 

"I'm still telling you." I smirked. "This is Sammy, Helena, Simon, and Flynn. They're part of a secret organization they won't tell me about." Simon glared at me as Flynn punched my arm. I said nothing. "And this is Jemma. She's a demon. You two will get along. And this is Lucy and Alice. They're the scariest damn people in all of New Orleans. You already know Glitch and Thomason, and this is Atticus and Callie. She's a psychic. Oh, and Leviathan the goat is downstairs. He's annoying and I didn't want him eatin' my bedsheets." 

"I could've told you all that plus more," Gabriel said simply. I never wanted to punch his bitchy little archangel face more.

I narrowed my eyes. 

"Then tell me more," I said sarcastically. 

Gabriel sat up, his hair falling into his face. 

"That secret organization? Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse." My eyes widened. "Yep. Those four little kids are the Four freaking Horsemen. Want me to tell you who's who? Sure you do. Flynn Camden. Famine. Simon Andrew. Pestilence. Helena Kreig. War. And your dearest Samantha Phillip? Well, there's only one left. She's Death. My second favorite fallen angel." 

I shot Samantha a glance. She was completely pale and looked afraid. 

"Who's your first . . . favorite . . . fallen angel?" I asked hesitantly. 

"Oh, that's easy. Lucy. I'm a big fan of Lucifer." Gabriel grinned devilishly before laying back and closing his eyes once more. This time I looked right at Lucy. She shrugged and looked down, embarrassed. After staring at Lucy for some time I turned back to Sammy, grabbed her arm, and dragged her out into the hall. 

Sammy didn't break her gaze from the floor for some time. When she finally did I had to take a step back. Never in my life had I seen Samantha cry. Blackish-red tears streamed down her face making her look like some cracked porcelain doll.

"I didn't want to tell you," she whispered, running a hand through her hair. "I  didn't want you--or anyone--to know that I'm Death. Death of all things!" I hesitantly took both of her hands, keeping calm for her sake. After all, I technically did owe her my life. Even though I cheated her multiple times . . . She's still your Sammy, Bandit. She's still your friend. It doesn't matter that you know that she's Death. 

I pulled Sammy close to me, kissing her forehead and hugging her tightly. 

The bitchy archangel woke up a few later once everyone had gone home. He walked up to me and took  the bottle of whiskey from my hands, drunk it down, and sat on my coffee table right in front of me. 

"Someone wants to murder you," he said simply, reading the label on the bottle. This caught my attention. 

"Who the hell wants to murder me?!" I exclaimed, yanking the empty bottle away from Gabriel and setting it besides me. 

"Does it look like I know? All I did was look out the window to get a gen'ral time of day and bam. Someone wants to murder you." I stood up, grabbing Gabriel's wrist and pulling him to my room. 

I stared blankly at my window completely unsure of what to even say. There, on the glass written in what looked like blood, next to a picture of me dead with a knife sticking out of my gut lying on what looked like my kitchen floor, were the words CUT THE STATIC FROM YOUR HEAD AND TURN THE TV ON, YOU'RE GONNA DIE SOON! 

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