Standing Up

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Harry and I walked side by side towards classes when I heard a shriek. Harry and I looked at each other and instinctively walked towards the distress.

"What's going on," I asked Lucas.

"Trewlawney, she's been sacked," Ernie said.

Umbridge was now coming towards her.

"No! No. This cannot be happening I refuse to accept it," Trewlawney cried out.

"You didn't realize this was coming," Umbridge asked.

I shook my head angrily and broke off from the crowd. Harry held my hand to hold me back.

"Incapable though you are of predicting even tomorrow's weather, you must surely have realized that your pitiful performance during my inspections, and lack of any improvement, would make it inevitable you would be sacked"

"You c-can't," howled Professor Trelawney, tears streaming down her face from behind her enormous lenses, "you c-can't sack me! I've b-been here sixteen years! H-Hogwarts is m-my h-home!"

"It was your home," said Professor Umbridge.

I wanted to run up to Umbridge and curse her until she bled. I wanted her gone. I wanted her dead. I played around with the bracelet on my wrist. With my wand I tapped it twice. I brought it to my lips and whispered.

"I need help at the Courtyard, toad's gone Viral, Trewlawney is being sacked," I whispered.

I pulled on my sleeve and hid the bracelet from sight. I leaned in towards Harry.

"I told my Grandfather, he should be here soon," I whispered. "I can't take this anymore."

Professor McGonagall gasped and walked towards Trewlawney and hugged her.

"Something to say dear," Umbridge said.

"Oh, there are several things I'd like to say," Professor McGonagall spat.

The doors swung open revealing my Grandfather. His eyes gazed towards me and he nodded.

"Professor McGonagall, if you'd please escort Sybil into the castle," Grandfather said.

Professor Trewlawney cried out and thanked Grandpa as she passed him.

"Dumbledore, as Decree 23 says," Umbridge began.

"You may have the authority to let me teachers go but you do not have the authority to banish them from the castle that power still lies with me," Grandpa spat.

"We'll see," Dolores smirked.

"And I've already appointed a new teacher, Meet Firenze," Grandpa said.

Firenze came out of the doors and smiled at me. I am so taking Divination again. I thought. I heard Harry break out in laughter. Dolores stomped inside with fury.

"Don't you all have some studying to do?" Grandpa scolded.

The students who were bystanders soon scurried off to their classrooms.

"Professor! Professor!" Harry called after Grandpa and chased after him.

Hermione linked her arm with mine as we headed to Charms.


"Did you talk to him," I asked.

"He's ignoring me," Harry groaned.

"Today we are going to do some love Charms." Flitwick said. "I want you to pick someone you rarely talk to."

Harry frowned at the thought of being separated from me but he knew that I loved him a lot. I ended up partnering with Neville who seemed thrilled to be my partner not only in class but out of class as well.

"Nasty scratch," Neville winced.

"Battle scar," I shrugged.

This seemed to make Neville laugh.

"Alright class, say Amore and point your wand towards your target." Flitwick said.

"Do you want to go first," I asked. Neville hesitantly nodded.

"Amore," He said as he flicked his wand towards me.

I felt a rush of happiness and passion fill inside my body for Neville.

"How was your break Neville," I asked kindly.

Neville looked down.

"Visited my mum and dad," Neville whispered. "Bellatrix Lestrange is the witch who did this to them."

"We will get her back Neville," I smiled.

Author's Note :

Isn't the Toad just so lovely ?

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