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"Just hide me from them please," I said.

Lucas, Ernie and Jace sent me a quick nod and led me into their compartment. I immediately sat down on the bench and Jace wrapped me in his arms. It's been a week since I ran away from home. Funny how they never checked Lucas's Manor for me huh? Guess they were too invested in Harry like always.

"Kay," Lucas said.

I opened my eyes and looked into his.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"He's been going crazy, talk to him or them or something. I hate seeing you like this," Lucas said.

"You don't even laugh at our jokes anymore," Ernie said.

"Or make smart remarks," Jace said.

"Or smile," Lucas frowned.

"I you guys please don't let me flip out on you," I sighed.

Jace ran his fingers through my hair and sent me a small smile. Ernie sent me a small smile and went back to reading. Lucas on the other hand watched me.

"We know you miss the old Cedric," Lucas sighed.

"Yeah, I know you miss the old Cedric too," I spat. "The Cedric who never abandoned you to hang out with us stupid Gryffindor's."

"Kay he just doesn't want to lose sight of you he's lost you once and he doesn't want to do that again," Lucas said.

"Jace tell Lucas to shut up," I sighed.

"Lucas is right," Jace said.

I sat up and stared at them.

"Ernie? Are you thinking the same thing?" I asked.

Ernie looked at the two and sighed.

"Yes," Ernie said.

I stood up from the bench and walked towards the compartment door.

"I can't trust anyone anymore because all they want to do is tell me how I should live my fucking life," I spat.

I didn't wait for a reply. I swung the door open and stormed out of the compartment. I saw one full of first years.

"Scram," I growled.

The first years immediately listened and left the compartment. I walked inside and slammed the door shut. I pulled the blinds shut and laid down on the bench. I felt a warm tear trail down my face. The door swung open.

"Why are you — Kiana?" Ron began.

I look up and saw Ron outside the door.

"What Weasley," I sighed.

"Why did you chase the first years out that isn't like you," Ron said.

I stood up from my seat and shoved Ron out. I am getting tired of hearing that.

"I don't give a shit about what you think stay away from me Weasley. I'm not who you think I am," I growled.

Ron's face turned white. I let his robes go and he walked away. I went back inside and closer the door. I love this side of you good Kiana.

"Oh shut up," I muttered.


I paced around inside the compartment. I watched as Hermione tried to calm Cedric down as Josh and Jake tried to calm Christian down. The door slid open revealing a pale Ron.

"Ron? What happened?" Cedric asked.

"I — I saw her I saw Kiana," He muttered.

"Oh thank Merlin she's okay," Cedric gasped.

Ron shook his head no.

"What do you mean no? Where is she?" Cedric and Christian asked.

"She's physically okay I she seems different. She told me to stay away from her. She told me she isn't who you think she is. She scared first years out of their compartment," Ron explained.

That isn't her at all.

"Maybe I should," Cedric began.

"No. She needs someone she won't blow up on who isn't as close to you any of you I'll do it," Josh said. "Where is she?"

Ron gave him the compartment she was in and he left.


My heart raced as I stood outside the door. I opened the door and found her laying down.

"What? Are you here to tell me how to run my life too," She snapped.

"No. I'm just going to be here for you," I said.

Kiana sat up and looked at me. A small smile on her face as a warm tear slid down her face. I closed the door behind me and I sat next to her.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

Her body stiffened and she looked me in the eyes as if examining my soul.

"I feel like I've been losing my mind. No one notices I have they only notice the anger I feel. Like no one cares," She sighed.

"I care. I care about you so much and I know it may not seem like it I do. I love you so much and it's crazy how it makes me when I see you cry or see you angry," I said.

Kiana wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. I heard her crying on my shoulder.

"I want too be happy

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"I want too be happy. But I don't think I know how anymore," She cried.

My heart was aching for her.

"Let me help you," I said.

She broke from the hug and looked me in the eyes.

"How," she asks.

I wish I knew.

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