Attack on McGonagall

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"So why aren't you in your Astronomy O.W.L.s," Minnie asked.

"Oh, I've taken it early," I said.

She nodded. I felt the bracelet on my wrist burn. I winced in pain and Minnie looked up.

"Something the matter?" She asked.

"Grandfather messaged me," I said.

I rolled my sleeve down and saw the message on it. 'HAGRID NEEDS HELP.'

"It says Hagrid needs help," I said.

She then stood up and nodded.

"Stay here," she said.

"Minnie, it's made out to me," I frowned.

Minnie nodded and waved a hand for me to follow her. We made our way down to Hagrid's hit where we saw Dolores and a few Ministry men attacking Hagrid.

"HAGRID!" I yelled.

Dolores turned around smirked. One fireball to the head and your smirk won't be there anymore. The air around us began to harden and specifically around the Toad. "Kiana Calm Down Now!" I looked up at the Astronomy tower of the watching students. Harry's eyes met mine and he nodded. I controlled my breathing and the air went thin around us.

"How dare you! How dare you!Leave him alone! Alone, I say!" said Minnie's voice through the darkness. "On what grounds are you attacking him? He has done nothing, nothing to warrant such —"


The four wizards screamed. The stunning spells hit her directly in her chest and she fell to the ground.

"Minnie!" I gasped.


He took the two ministry men's heads and knocked them together.

"Hagrid get Fang and get out of here!" I hissed.

"I can't leave you," Hagrid yelled.

"I can take care of this. Please get out of here while you can," I said.

Hagrid nodded and carried Fang in his arms running towards the woods.

"Get him! Get him!" Dolores yelled.

With my wand I levitated Minnie's body into the air. Concentrate. "Behind you!" I turned around to see the Toad lifting her wand towards my chest.

"Where are you taking her?" She asked.

"The Hospital Wing. She could be dying," I yelled.

"I can't have anyone knowing this happened," she smirked.

I set Minnie down on the ground and blasted Dolores back onto her bum.


I made her body freeze before I casted the 'Obliviate' charm on her.


Her memory of seeing me here vanished.

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