Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Darkness, that is what I see, nothing else. I look around but there is nothing until I feel the dizziness again and fell on my knees. I try to stay awake if someone attack me from behind or somewhere else but my eyelids got heavier and the feeling takes me to a deep slumber. After a few moments or so, I woke up but this time I can't make any movements. I just look in front, where a naked body has his back on me.

I recognize the tattoo on his back.

Hades? I call but he didn't answer. Hades, look this way if you can hear me. I know you can hear me, you're Hades. You can do anything!

I try my best to make to encourage him look at me but he didn't.

No way, Hades can't die, can he? He's a God and if He dies, I die. And right now I'm alive so he's not dead yet.

"Shut your mouth!" he said making me mentally smile at that.

Thank the fates you're alright. I joked with the baby tune.

"Yeah right, thank them for making me weak and thank you for being such an idiot and talk to that Death God. He's the one who curse me in this state."

I frown even though I can't move my body, I still can move my eyebrows.

How come he's the one who made this?

I ask him and he start the sarcasm story telling.

"Once upon a fucking time, there was an almighty first Gods given to other places and realm in this most gorgeous world." I roll my eyes at that. "They can fucking do what they want, they are the most powerful being in this gorgeous world but someone sank the Atlantis where those Atlanthean Gods are at. And that fucking moment is where I am in my father's beautiful realm called his acidic stomach and he tries to fight those Atlantheans. But at that wonderful time someone sank the most beautiful and oh so powerful city of Atlantis and then the Gods disappear. But for some reason they are here again and one of them is the powerful and most handsome, Zetnos who is a powerful death God. Powerful than me, and he affects any God near him by making them feel a moment of peace.

And piece by piece, bit by bit; he's eating the God's soul, slowly and enjoyably. That's how it works. He eat souls and thank the fates for giving me the emotional and idiotic vessel for making me this weak. Great job shithead."

I sigh. I don't know what to do. I mean, the God was cute and has that killer smile which will make anyone fall for him. Then that hit me.

Darn, he really is a death God. I taught as I remember that smile. What do we do know? I ask him and he didn't answer for a moment. I taught he was asleep but he's not.

Sometimes, Hades is like that. He'll start telling me everything then stop and never continue like when he knew there are obvious answers after what he told me and even if I ask, he will not answer. He's a God guy who didn't want to explain himself. 'If that's what you see in me, that is me.' That's what I remember he told me back then. I try to ask him more about himself but I can't make myself try to ask him, I guess we really are alike in some point, and one of them is not expressing ourselves.

Hades is a wonderful partner in this Game, he can make me laugh, angry and idiot sometimes but he teach me things that I don't know. How the game works, how life works. He give new meaning to life itself, he gives it to me and teach how I can work things out from it. All in all, he was a father, brother and friend to me and I love him even when he start to throw sarcasms and bitch about almost everything.

Lost Game (Taglish MalexMale) 2016Where stories live. Discover now