Tony's Surprise

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It was a dark and stormy night in New York and in Avengers Tower, Loki was trying to get out of some Chinese handcuffs Thor gave him. It's very amusing to see the god of mischief and lies trying to get free from Chinese handcuffs. Thor was on the sofa watching TV that were showing cartoons like Looney Tunes. Clint was practicing his archery, Bruce Banner was in the lab doing experiments and everyone else was either training or sleeping. Tony finished working on one of the suits and joined the two Norse gods in a bit of TV. "I don't understand the point of this cartoon." He was watching Tom & Jerry. "This is a cat and mouse thing. Tom the cat is always outwitted by Jerry who is the mouse. It involves dynamite, crazy plans and frying pans." He said trying to explain it. He looked at Loki trying to get the Chinese handcuffs off his fingers. "You need help there Reindeer Games?" He said jokingly. Loki was reaching to the point of chewing his fingers off. "No. I don't need your help Man of Iron. I am more than capable of removing this mere Midgardian toy."
"Whatever." He went downstairs and he saw through the door window a female figure vanishing into the storm. "Hey!" He ran out to not find the mysterious female disappearing but a little baby girl left all alone wrapped in a pink blanket. Tony carefully picked her up and softly cooed at him. "Pepper and I always wanted to have kids." Tony brought the infant inside and Loki is still trying to get the Chinese finger trap off him. "Why... won't... it... come... off!" Thor had enough of this and took the finger trap off his brother. It was funny at first but then it became pretty pathetic for Loki. Natasha showed up. "Tony, where did that little baby come from?"
"Nat I just found her on the doorstep. She was all alone in the storm and I can't just leave her."
The other Avengers showed up seeing the situation. "Since no one is gonna's take her in I think we should adopt her." Said Captain America. Everyone else agreed to adopt the little girl. They tried choosing a name for her. Clint wanted to name her Merida like the princess from the movie Brave. Natasha wanted to name her Emma. Thor wished to name her Elenora. Loki picked the name Evelyn. Tony liked the name Stella. Things escalated quickely when picking the right name for her. Steve had a better name. "I have the perfect name for her." Bruce was about to strangle Loki. "Tell us the name for the infant before the Hulk crushes my windpipe!" Loki said strained. "I think we should name her Chloe."
"Yes. She looks like a 'Chloe' and I think it suits her." The others nodded in agreement.

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