National Avengers Family Vaction

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Jemma saw Chloe with the Avengers and an RV. "What's going on, Chloe?"
"Hey Jemma, my family and I are going on a trip."
"Where too?" Chloe shrugged. "Nowhere innparticular, just on a cross-country road trip to-" Tony interrupted her. "Disneyland!" Jemma felt her jaw drop. "Disneyland?! I wanna go! Please let me go with you guys! It's been so long since I went to Disneyland! It's just so boring here!" Black Widow set her bag down seeing the scene. "All right you can come with us."
"Just call your parents and tell them that you're with Chloe going on a trip to Disneyland."

"I can't believe I'm going to Disneyland with you and your... family." She said looking at the Avengers. "Yep, they're my family."
"Think they could adopt me?" She joked. She scoffed at her. "Mr. Stark, you're a billionaire, why don't you get one of those neat RVs that I saw at Camping World?"
"Jemma, it's something called, laying low."
"Not with that inflated ego of yours." Zinged Pepper. "Ooh, put some ice water 'cause you just got burned." Laughed Clint. "Shut it Barton." Clint childishly stuck out his tongue at him. "Your family's way better than mine." They drove a long way from New York and got lost somewhere in Florida.

"Take a shortcut into the Everglades, he said. It'll get you to Disneyland quicker, he said." Bucky had Chloe sleep on his lap and something made them jump. "What was that?!" Jemma looked up from her book, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children. "Did we hit a crocodile? I'm looking foward on getting a tote purse and a pair of boots to go with that." Tony shook his head. "There are no crocodiles in Florida just alligators, the crocodile's bigger, angrier cousin. Kinda like the Hulk but, with scales, razor sharp teeth and is cold-blooded." Bruce growled at him. "Don't Hulk out! I don't think this RV can take it." Panicked Darcy. "If we did hit one, Pepper's getting a new belt." Natasha and Bruce got up. "Whatever it is, I'm sure it can't be that big of a problem." The three of them got out to see a really big tree that fell in their path. "How are gonna get past that?" Tony looked at Bruce. "No, nuh uh, no way Jose, forget it. I'm not letting the 'other guy' handle this." Nat nodded. "That tree isn't the only thing Banner's gonna smash. He might smash the entire forest, swamp, bog, wherever we are." Thye heard rustling in the woods. Tony got one of his Iron Man repulsors ready. Out of the bushes came a person dressed in camoflage wearing night vision goggles, covered in foliage and holding a video camera. "Hi fellas, I'm Buford." Bruce and Nat waved awkwardly. "Hey Buford."
"I'm Tony Stark."
"Tony Stank? Nice to meet you."
"You must've heard me wrong, it's Stark."
"Stank? Gotcha. I've been out here filming nocturnal activities of the alligators for a college class of mine. My professor that heading to the zoo in Tampa doesn't count so I'm out here, in the Everglades filming my documentary."
Bruce stepped in, "We got lost and we're trying to get to Disneyland. But that tree's in the way. Is there another way to get out of here?" Buford thought about it. "Lucky for you, I know my way around here. Two weeks out here and suddenly you become a survivalist expert. Before coming out here, I just watched a lot of survival documentaries and a special about the Everglades." He got an ax and began hacking at the tree. "This may take a while. So, sit back in your RV and I'll holler to let ya'll know." Chloe woke up. "What happened?"
"There was tree in the path and hopefully, we'll get to Disneyland. Go back to sleep, princess."

"How much longer?" Yawned Wanda. "Fellas! I was able to clear a path big enough for the RV to pass through. You'll be able to reach Disneyland in two snaps of a gator's jaw."
"Thank you Buford."
Tony jumped into the driver's seat. "To Disneyland!" Bucky shushed him pointing to Chloe's sleeping form. "To Disneyland." He said quietly. "Much better." Said Sharon. They drove out of the Everglades and stopped at an RV park. "We'll stay here for the night and then continue in the morning." Jemma was sleeping with the book on her face snoring louder than Thor. This caused Loki to bury himself even deeper in the blankets.

"Ready to get back on the road?" Steve decided to drive since Tony was the one who got them lost in first place. "I'm sure Capsicle's got a better sense of direction than me." Wanda suggested that they turn the radio on. A Gloria Estefan song came on as they drove. Steve stopped somewhere to ask for directions. "Really? Thank you so much sir. Looks like asking for directions is really helpful these days." Pepper gave Tony an "I told you so" look. "I don't remember Disneyland being located in Orlando?" He shrugged. "There are different location points and Orlando is one of them."

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