Things are about to get Strange

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"She's gaining on us!" Two bank robbers were on the run when a streak of red, white and blue zipped after them. This was Chloe as her star spangled persona, Sailor America. She chased after them into an alley. "Now, if I were you guys, I would drop the guns and surrender without using any violent means of harming you both." They got their guns loaded saying, "Like we'd surrender to star spangled brat like you." She slowly shook her head saying, "Looks like we're gonna do this the hard way." She got her hands out crying out, "Star scatter!" Dozens of white stars got the robbers stuck to the brick wall. "I'll take these," She took the stolen money and their guns. She whistled for the cops and arrested the bank robbers. "Thanks for your help once again, Sailor America."
"It was no problem, officers."

Through the gaze of a crystal ball, a man wearing a red cloak watched as the image of her flying in the city was being projected.

"Hey Chloe, ready to go see Sailor Moon R?" Asked Jemma. "Can you believe that they decided to re-release the movie? I honestly couldn't." Chloe and Jemma went to the movies to see the remastered anime movie. "I should've asked Spangles or T-man to make me sailor senshi or Princess Serenity costume." Jemma spotted a girl from school. "Wait right here."
"Hi, Jemma."
"Jenny, this may be so sudden but Chloe and I need costumes for the movie." The ginger haired girl had a glint in her eyes. "You're lucky I took your measurements after school while you and Chloe weren't looking." "Oh my God, she can be such a creep." Thought Jemma. She pulled two costumes from her tote purse.

Jemma looked at the white dress and Chloe looked at her costume

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Jemma looked at the white dress and Chloe looked at her costume. "I trade you Princess Serenity for Sailor V?"
"Go ahead." Both of them switch costumes and ran to the bathroom to get dressed. "You girls look perfect!" The girls went into the movie theater and got compliments on the costumes they were wearing. "Before movie selfie!" Jemma took a selfie of her and Chloe and posted it on Instagram. The two friends watched the movie with great joy and this was much better than accidentally seeing The Conjuring 2 in 3D back in the summer by a long shot.

"I'll see you at school." The girls went their separate ways and Chloe was heading out when she saw a building with an odd window. Her curiousity was piqued. Walking up the steps, she barely knocked when the door opened up. "Hello?" Her voice echoed in the dark room. "Is anyone home?" She looked around to find mystic artifacts and an amulet of sorts on a pedestal. Curiouser and curiouser, her icy blue eyes never left the amulet. "You're quite a curious young lady, aren't you?" She gasped when she heard a male voice. "Don't be afraid of me I am not your enemy." Her head cocked slightly. "Come into the light so I can take a look at you." The figure stepped out to reveal a tall, handsome man wearing a blue tunic along with a long red cloak. "Allow me to introduce myself, I am Doctor Stephen Strange. And to whom do I have the pleasure of meeting?" Chloe felt some confidence build up within herself. "My name's Chloe I am the child of the Avengers. It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." She said extending her hand for him to shake. He extended his trembling hand to her own. "Why is your hand trembling? You're not afraid, are you?" He shook his head and explained to her that he experienced a freak accident causing this and how he traveled a long way to find someone to fix his hands. "Wow, that's intense." He looked at the star pin fixed on her flowing white dress. "I'm dressed like Princess Serenity because the movie theater was showing a remastered version of Sailor Moon R."
"I don't know what Sailor Moon is nor do I have any idea on who Princess Serenity is. I'm curious to know about that star pin fixed on your dress." She raised her brow at him suspiciously. "Only if you tell me about this amulet I saw." He gave nod and explained to her that it's not an amulet and it's the Eye of Agamotto and within it contains an infinity gem. Thor once told her about the infinty gems and how there are six of them. "The infinty gem is the time gem?" He nodded. "I told you about the Eye of Agamotto now it's your turn to tell me about your star pin." She told him about how she developed her own superhero persona a week before the 4th of July and how she has been progressing so far. "If I keep it up, I'll become a full-fledged avenger." Chloe and Doctor Strange spent the day talking to each other and told her that she is welcome to see him any time.

She made it to Avenger's Tower where she told Thor about meeting Doctor Strange after hanging out with Jemma at the movies. "Chloe, the dress you are wearing reveals you as the fair princess that you are." She changed out of the dress and found a loose fitting sweater and lounge shorts along with a pair of plush socks and tied her hair to a lazy side ponytail. Tony invited her to watch Rick and Morty with him even though Steve told him not to watch that show. They watched the entire first season uncensored and it's a 0.000001% chance of her repeating those words. "When he told Morty to shove those seeds up his butt it sounded so very wrong." She said giggling uncontrollably.

At school, Chloe was thinking of visiting Doctor Strange after school. She listened to every word the teacher said when the bell rang. "Before you go class, there's a homework assignment." Jemma groaned while her blond friend wrote down the assignment. "You must write a paragraph about a classic piece of literature. I have printed down a list of authors and suggestions of classic literary works."

"This stinks, Chloe. I don't even know why we should do a paragraph about boring books." She rolled her eyes. "Literature's not boring, Jemma. Reading can be fun and I'm heading to the public library after school." The teen said nothing and listened to music from Twisted Sister on her phone. The blond had a feeling that she isn't going to take the class assignment seriously. When school is over, she went to the public library and went to the classic literature section where she began to read The Prince and the Pauper, Tarzan: Lord of the Apes, The Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes and more classic works. "Mr. Wheatherby said to choose only one. But there are so many to choose from." She found a book titled, The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Using her notebook, she began to write about the book and her thoughts about it. Once she is done, she finished reading the book and writing her paragraph. She left the library and went to visit Doctor Strange. "Ah, Chloe, I thought you weren't going to visit any time."
"I was in school and at the library. I like reading books."

Doctor Strange showed Chloe how to control her superpowers a bit more and how to channel her powers by handing her a rod of sorts. Let's just say that there was a mess of red, white and blue and a lot of stars. Lots and lots of white stars. "She has a lot to learn." He said mentally. Chloe focused her energy on the rod and yelled out, "Patriot attack!" Beams of red, white and blue energy hit the target he had set up for her. "Excellent job, Sailor America." She smiled at him saying, "Thank you, Doctor Strange. This will amp up my crime-fighting." Day after day, Chloe's visits became very frequent and her powers growing a bit stronger.

She flew around the city as Sailor America and she heard screaming. She flew down to find the same two bank robbers. "When are you clods going to learn that crime doesn't pay?"
"Boss, it's her again."
"Don't worry, I got this little patriotic brat right where I want her." The robber said pointing a gun at her.

She made her red, white and blue wand appear by doing a special trick Doctor Strange taught her

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She made her red, white and blue wand appear by doing a special trick Doctor Strange taught her. Both bank robbers laughed at her hysterically. "Do you seriously think a toy wand is gonna stop us, you star spangled brat." She spun around a few times and bright energy started to build up on the white star of her wand. "Star chain!" A chain of white stars linked together formed and tied the crooks up. "Never underestimate the power of determination."  She said making her wand vanish. "You clods make my job too easy." She said taking them to the police. "I hate that star spangled brat." The bank robber said lowly. After turning them in to the cops, she flew off to Avengers Tower to cheers of excitement coming from the other side of the door. She walked in to find her family excited about something. "The Patriots won! They actually won!" Cried Tony. "Pay up fellas." Clint and Sam gave $20 to Bruce since they both bet on the Falcons. "What's going on, fellas?"
"Tony recorded the Superbowl and the New England Patriots won." Explained Pepper. Steve and Bucky were confused on what's going on. "That explains the excited cheers I heard last night." Clint also told her about Lady Gaga's performance at the halftime show. "I missed out on a lot."
"Which is why I taped the whole thing." Tony rewinded the Superbowl and watched the football game together.

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