Chloe's Superhero Persona

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At school, Chloe went into the sewing club and designed herself an outfit for the 4th of July. "I can't wait to see the look on Spangles' face when he sees me in this little get-up. Mixing Sailor Moon and Captain America is the best idea ever! Something is missing..." She found a blue eyemask to wear. "Perfect. Now, to try it on." She wore the outfit she made and felt like an entirely different person. She had her blond hair braided by Thor at the time. She removed the outfit and placed it in her backpack carefully and made her way to her last class for the day. After school Chloe made her way back home. As she walked the bustling streets of New York, she saw some thieves running from a jewlery store. "Alright Chloe. Guess I have to stop these guys and put my hero training to the test." She ran off somewhere and wore her star spangled sailor outfit she designed and switched her braid for ponytails. She sprung into action catching up with the jewel thieves. "Stop right there you miscreants!" They turned to see Chloe. "Kid, I wouldn't mess with us if we were you."
"Stealing jewlery, that's I where I draw the line!"
"Who are you?"
"I am..." "C'mon Chloe think of something! You're dressed as a star spangled pin-up sailor girl. Wait a minute! Star spangled, sailor girl. I got it!"
"I am the superheroine who fights for freedom, liberty, justice and the American way. I am Sailor America!"
"I've heard of Captain America but Sailor America?" Chloe made a few flips and fought the thieves and used a trash can lid as a makeshift shield recovering the stolen jewlery. "That takes care of that." She dragged their bodies to the police. "The jewel thieves are caught and you know what to do." The police officer looked at her. "Thank you so much. Can you tell me who you are?"
She nodded. "Call me Sailor America." Chloe ran off to find her backpack, switch outfits and tied her hair back to its orginal braid. "Now to get home before suppertime." She made it back home. This was it, Chloe has developed a secret life a Sailor America. She and Tony were watching America's Funniest Home Videos. " Do think we can send videos of ouselves doing whacky stuff?" She shrugged. "I don't know. Spangles has home videos of me on VHS tapes and you recently transferred them on DVD even though he didn't want to and good thing Widow mom showed him how to work the video camera." Chloe said taking the remote. "We interrupt this program to bring you a breaking news bulletin." "Huh?" Chloe turned the volume up on the TV. "There happens to be another superheroine in New York. Looks like Spiderman and the Avengers have some serious competition there Wolf."
"You bet Erin and this superheroine, you're not gonna believe this! She's dressed up like one of those pin-up sailor girls and she has some sense in star spangled style."
"Kind of like Captain America, Wolf?"
"You bet Erin and she calls herself Sailor America."

Chloe was in shock

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Chloe was in shock. Tony nearly choked on diet soda. "Sailor America?! Looks like you have some competition there Capsicle."
"Please be quiet T-man." Chloe said sinking herself lower into the sofa. "Wolf, do you think we'll see Sailor America again sometime?"
"I'm not sure Erin, from what I heard she's a bit camera shy. But who knows, she'll probably make another appearance again."
Chloe ran to her room and sat on her bed. "So I guess this is the life of a superhero then, living a double life. This definitely not the best of both worlds." She turned to her side, "I'm sure this whole 'Sailor America' thing will die down like it did with Ultron attacking New York. I hope." She fell asleep and something woke her up. Her phone was vibrating. "Who could be calling me at," She looked at the clock on her nightstand, "Midnight?" She answered it. "Hello?" She said yawning slightly. "Chloe this is Agent Coulson. Did you see the news?" She nodded. "Oh I saw it all right." She said Sleepily. "Sorry for waking you at this hour but, give me your completely honest opinion on Sailor America." She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. "Sure thing. Um... Sailor America is an amazing superheroine who fights for freedom, liberty, justice and the American way. I also think she can fight alongside Captain America and the Winter Soldier too."
"Thank you so much Chloe! I have high bets that I can see her and Captain America again."
"In your dreams Agent Coulson." She yawned. "You're right! I'll keep on dreaming on meeting them both! Have a good night Chloe and sorry keeping you up." Chloe went back to sleep hoping tomorrow would be better.

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