Caw Caw Mofo

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"Chloe I'm gonna show you how to call for help if you're in danger." She sat cross-legged as Clint went on talking. "You've been kidnapped by an evil terrorist organization now what do you do?"
"I scream for help."
"Yes, that and..."
"You rescue me!" She replied. "That's right Chloe. Now, an unsuspecting van that says "free candy" pulls up near Central Park and two guys come and take you and I try to save you, what do you?"
"Kick and scream. That's what Widow mom taught me. That and how to kick someone where sun don't shine." He remembered that Natasha gave her self-defense training a while back. "Chloe, I'm about to teach a special call that you may need if you're kidnapped or we separated at some point in your life." He told her to use this call if she was in danger. He got Cap to disguise himself as a HYDRA Agent so that she won't be able to recogonize him. She was all alone in the training hall. Someone caught her causing her to scream. "Help!!! Caw Caw! Caw Caw!" Hawkeye jumped into action shotting his arrows at Chloe's "kidnapper". "Stay away from my little sparrow!" The arrows exploded causing him to release Chloe. Clint was beating her "kidnapper" with his bow almost half to death and pinned him to the ground. "Clint cut it out! We get the point!" Cap removed part of his disguise. "That's enough Clint! I think Chloe gets the idea." She ran into Steve's arms. "Spangles! This HYDRA Agent tried to kidnap me and Hawkster was able to rescue me!" Clint facepalmed himself. "Chloe. Cap was the HYDRA Agent."
"Oh. But I did good right?"
"Yep. Remember that special call."

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