A surprise encounter

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It had been one whole week since Chloe went on her mission and she managed to get her life back on track. School doesn't start for another week making it her last week of Summer Vacation. She knew how to make the best of it. She met up with Dawn and her friends at the mall. "Chloe, since we're like, friends now. Why don't we just shop while we drop?"
"My dad gave me his credit card." Added Gigi. "Sure, why not?" Good thing there wasn't a lot of crime going on. "I love your star pin! Where'd you get it?" Asked Ashley. "My dad gave it me as a gift for getting a 99% on my test before summer break began." She didn't want to tell them that Loki gave her that pin that lets her transform into Sailor America. "Why don't we go give ourselves an 'end of summer' mani-pedi?" Suggested Dawn. Chloe looked confused. "You don't know? Gigi, Ashley and I always do a mani-pedi the week before school start and it's become a thing for us now and you're a part of it." She explains. They went to the nail salon together. "You girls here for your end of summer mani-pedi?"
"You know it Angela. Our new friend Chloe here, would like one as well." The light brown haired woman led them to pick out a color for their nails. "I know your usual colors; purple for Gigi, pink for Dawn and white for Ashley." Chloe chose a sparkling red nail polish. "Excellent choice Chloe, red suits you very well." They got their mani-pedi and went on a shopping spree. She spotted Jemma near Dick's Sporting Goods checking out the bows and arrows. "Since scool starts next week, why don't we find something for our back to school wardrobes?" The three girls squealed joyfully. "OMG! Chloe you're a genius! We know just where to look,"
"Hot Topic!"
"Sax 5th Avenue!"

Chloe went to Hot Topic and bought a t-shirt that said "Death Metal". "Talk about contradicting. It's pink and has a glittery rainbow." She also bought a pink and twlight purple galaxy themed backpack.

She left the shopping mall with her new stuff in tow and met with Jemma at Battery Park. "How was it hanging out with the Brat Pack?"
"Jemma, you're wrong. They're not rotten brats like you say they are. They're really nice girls and they really like me." She rolled her eyes. "Then, how come they're always mean to me and calling me 'Jemma the Hutt'?"
"I think it's because you're different from them. They like fashion, social media and doing girl stuff. You, on the other hand are completely opposite. You watch WWE Wrestling, eat pizza, sleep, watch TV, don't care too much about fashion and girl stuff. But that doesn't make me any different from them. I'm still your number one best friend."
Chloe went off to a Chinese restaurant to eat there before heading home. "They make really good food here." She looked at a woman who has the same blond hair as her own. "Is this seat taken?" She shook her head. "Go ahead. I'm Chloe by the way."
"Melissa. Nice to meet you." She said shaking her hand. She stared into her eyes as if she knew her from somewhere. "Why are you looking at me like that, Melissa?" She snapped out of it. "I'm sorry, it's just that," she sighed, "Have you ever done something that you say you won't regret it until you reach a certain point in your life when you realize that you regret doing that?" Chloe shook her head. "None that I know of, why?"
"13 years ago, I made the biggest mistake of my life. I left a small baby girl on the doorstep of a building on a dark and stormy night and you'd think I'd turn back but I didn't. I really regret doing that. I hope that baby girl, wherever she is, is with a very loving family taking really good care of her." Chloe remembered something. It was a stormy night and she woke up from a nightmare and Wanda was there to comfort her.


A storm was rolling in and Chloe tossed and turned in her sleep when a flash of lightning and a loud thunderclap woke her up. Wanda came running in turning the lights on. "Chloe what's wrong?"
"I had a bad dream Scarlet." Wanda brought her into her arms whispering gentle Russian words caling her down. "Do you want to talk about it?" Chloe nodded as she talked about her nightmare. "Don't you worry, darling, we will never abandon you." She placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and got her to fall alseep again and used her powers to make sure she doesn't have another bad dream like that one.

End of flashback...

"That sounds heavy for you, Chloe." She nodded. "Hypothetically speaking, what if I, saying that it's not me would be the infant left on the doorstep that night?" Melissa realized something. "Could it be? Nah, it couldn't. She can't really be the same child I left behind. I need to find out with a DNA test to make sure." Chloe got herself a fortune cookie. "I wonder what my fortune says," she read the forrtune "You will meet someone very close to you. What does that mean?" Melissa read her fortune cookie. "My fortune says, 'What you have lost long ago will be found in front of you'. That's a strange fortune."

Chloe and Melissa in a doctor's office together. "Well, the results from the DNA test just came in, Ma'am this young lady is your daughter." Chloe was shocked.

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