Snowed in school

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The students were shivering from the cold, icy, grasp of winter's wrath wishing they were in the warmth of their homes under the covers, around the fire or snuggling in big warm sweaters. Chloe sat at her desk wearing a bright blue trench coat with a white plush faux fur hat, warm red gloves, a white scarf wrapped around her neck, black boots and dark blue jeans. "Hello, class, thank you all for braving this winter wheather and I can assure you, this will all blow over." Ever since word got out on Chloe being the "Avenger's kid" she's been getting all sorts of attention and her social status went up and so did her school reputation. And by "word" meaning that Jemma posted a photo of them on Instagram when they went to Disneyland.

The school bell rung signaling final dismissal. "Remember to listen to the wheather report that if conditions get too intense, school will be canceled until we get the word." The students ran out to go home and be warm. Chloe looked to see that there is snow everywhere and it blocked the entrances. "We have a problem." They turned to the young blond. "We're snowed in." The teachers looked tried to open the doors and loads of snow cascade down on them. "She's right." Many students began complaining about how cold it is and wishing to go home and be warm. "I'm calling my mom." Jemma tried to call her mom and nothing. "Looks like the phone signals got damaged." Chloe had an idea. She tapped her white star earring and she got something. "Guys, can you hear me?" A SHIELD Agent tweaked with her earrings adding a special communication device in them. "I was able to contact SHIELD and they'll get someone to help us."

In the band room, Chloe sat near a piano and had another idea. "Since Christmas is coming, how 'bout we get into the spirit of it." She began to play a few notes to the song "Jingle Bell Rock" some band kids joined her. "That's it." She pointed to the color guard where they accompanied the band kids. Some students sang along and the music teacher saw how lively things are becoming. She played "Christmas is Coming" from A Charlie Brown Christmas where the band kids joined her as they played along. It became good practice for when marching season resumes next semester. "You're getting it!" Some of the teachers were filled with nostalgia when Chloe and the students were making music from the Peanuts Gang. "I haven't heard this in over 40 years."

"After we went a long way to the Appalachian Mountains, T-man thought it would be a great idea to pick out the biggest Christmas tree and bring it back to New York. Everyone kept saying and I quote from Rhodey, "That Christmas tree is too damn big!" He actually said that and we cut the tree down to size because it's three times bigger than the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center." Some students laughed at her stories. "That was last year and this year, we went to a tree lot and got a nice tree. We decorated it and T-man got these fancy imported decorated glass ornaments from Russia, some reasonably priced decorations, super bright multicolored LED lights and another set of fancy decorations from the Great Britain and loads of tinsel." She showed them a picture of the Christmas tree. "I wish I had a tree like that."  "Loads of folks wish for a big Christmas tree with pretty decorations and twinkly lights and some don't get that. Some just don't have a nice warm home with a pretty tree or even family and friends to spend with."

Chloe's fun ideas and lively, plucky, cheery personality helped the students and faculty take their mind off being trapped in the school. The janitor got the boiler working properly so no one will freeze to death. "There are many uses for icing and gingerbread. Like making a cute little gingerbread house." "Or the Louvre Museum." Rang out a student. "That too, but let's start smaller." Outside the school, SHIELD Agents began working to shovel out the snow and thaw out the doors. Many kids made crazy gingerbread creations and tried to make Cinderella's Castle and it kept falling apart. "If you used some icing, it'll fall apart less." Advised Chloe.  

"You don't need special, expensive decorations when you can do this!" She found scissors and white construction paper. "I made snowflake streamers." Her art teacher found it very impressive. "Excellent work, Chloe. It deserves an "A"." She had an idea. "Extra credit for the class on making creative decorations!" The students began making decorations of their own in the art room.

Chloe heard the doors open. "Guys look!" The students stampeded out leaving her in a snow bank. Agent Hill helped her up. "I see you had a fun school day." She nodded as she removed some of the snow on her trench coat. "Here we are, home sweet home." "Thanks a million, Agent Hill." She went inside where Pepper hugged her tight. "Chloe's back." "There you are." "We were worried sick, princess." She explained to them on how she got snowed in and how she was able to help everyone take their minds off it. "Sounds like you had an awesome time." Said Clint. "I also told them the tree story from last year." Tony looked at wide-eyed. "What?! I told not to tell them the tree story." She giggled. "Too late. They found it to be real hoot."

In her room, she did her homework and added some of the decorations she made to the Christmas tree.  "Squirt, I just got a call from the school and they said that classes are canceled and that the semester is over early." Said Natasha. "Wow, winter break already. This is gonna be fun!"

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