You're the best mom ever

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Black Widow spotted Chloe on the verge of crying "Something wrong, squirt?" She nodded. Chloe doesn't mind Natasha calling her 'squirt'.  "I was in school and these boys asked me too... pull a prank on Mr. Weatherby and when I said that pranking the teacher is wrong..." She felt her tears forming pouring down. "What happened? Did they prank you?" She said sounding more pissed off than concerned of what happened. She shook her head. "They started teasing me and calling me names like 'goody-goody', 'little miss goody two-shoes' and they called me a 'prissy-puss'." She growled at this. "No one messes with my girl and gets away with it." She held her hand, "Come with me." She led her to the shooting range handing her a gun. "Remember when first taught you how to do this?" She nodded. "How could I forget, Widow mom? I pulled my first gun version of a William Tell on Katniss." She said remembering the time she shot an apple off Clint's head when she was 10 years old. "He passed out afterwards." Added Natasha. "Just focus on your target." Chloe aimed for the target with her finger slightly trembling on the trigger. She got Chloe's other hand over her trembling one. "Keep it steady, squirt." With a deep breath, she pulled the trigger. "That's my girl." Chloe smiled at this making her forget the bad day she had at school. "Let's see if you're sparring skills are up to date." Chloe and Natasha spent the day together and she saw how her hand to hand combat was getting better each day.

"Oh look it's little miss goody two-shoes." One of the boys sneered. Chloe felt some tears forming and she remembered something. "Who said you can pick my girl." They looked to see Natasha by her side. "Looks like the prissy-puss has her mommy here to fight her battles." She scowled at them. "You boys better stop picking on her. If you know what's good for you!" Shaking in fear they apologized. "We're sorry Chloe! We won't pick on you ever again." The boys ran off. "You're the best, Widow mom." She took Chloe home and helped her out with her homework.  "After homework, can we go to the movies?" Asked Chloe. "Sure, after finishing your algebra homework not before."

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