Chapter 1

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(AN: ^that's Nickolas BTW^)






I woke up to the sound of my annoying ass alarm. I groaned and reached over to the small table by my bed and knocked the alarm clock off the table. I heard a crash and the alarm went silent, I smiled. I started to fall back asleep but my phone started ringing. I screamed in frustration and pulled my head from under the covers. My phone was on the night stand. I opened my eyes grabbing it and saw it was my mom calling.


"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to Maddie. Happy Birthday to you." She sung. I smiled. "Thanks mom." I said yawning.

"Get up you need to be at school, I just got on the plane and when I get home I better not find you in bed!" She said.

"But mom-" She cut me off.

"Ah-ah-ah No Buts! This is your last class then you graduate. You want to be finished right?"

I sighed. "Yeah, i guess."

"Alright then get up and get dressed, I'll call Nickolas to take you. I love you baby girl, see you when I get home!" And she hung up. I looked at the time '9:30' and groaned. "5 more minutes wont hurt anyone." I mumbled setting my alarm and tossed my phone somewhere in the room and drifted off to sleep.

"Maddison get up now, you're late for school!"

I sat up quickly. I scrambled looking for my phone then remembered i threw it. I looked up and saw it by my bookshelf. I jumped up out of bed only for my foot to get tangled in the covers. I face planted into the carpet.

"Fuck!" I yelled. I reached for my phone and saw '10:30'.

"Holy Shit!" I got up and and to my closet grabbing a random outfit. I went to the bathroom and took a 3 minute shower. When I was dressed I grabbed my phone and ran down stairs to the kitchen. I was greeted with the smell of bacon. I LOVE bacon by the way. I entered the kitchen and saw Nickolas sitting on the counter top eating breakfast. He looked up and smiled saying Good morning.

"Yea what ever, come on lets go i'm going to be late!" I said taking the slices of bacon off the skillet and put them in a paper towel. I grabbed my shoes and ran out the door into the car and hopped in the passenger seat. I started to eat my bacon and reclined in the seat.

Nickolas came out the house 2 minuted later and locked up. He got into the car and started driving.

Now let me explain WHO exactly Nickolas is.

Nickolas is basically a bodyguard/trainer/friend. I've know him since I was 3 and he's been somewhat a father figure to me since then. He's awesome, & a good cook. He used to be Special Forces and got Honorable Discharged, and he decided to be a personal body guard, now he's stuck with me! When my mom goes on trips for her modeling he sometimes comes over. We either watch movies, play video games, work in the garage on his cars, start building random things, cook/bake, or he teaches me how to shoot a gun and fight. Awesome am I right! But back to me. Technically I'm home schooled, but they want to call it 'Independent Study' but what ever. I have to check in with my teachers each week to turn in work. And today is the last day until I get to graduate! I'm so excited, I cant wait to be done with school. I'm not a 'genius' because of my "Father". I mean I don't think being a genius is hereditary. I read a lot. That's all I can really say

Tony Stark's Daughter (Book 1) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now