Chapter 4 [EDITED]

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Maddison's POV

His head shot up and he looked relieved. He chuckled and kissed my hand. "Never do that again."

"You cant get rid of me that easily." I smiled.

"What happened?"

I sighed and told him what Tony said. He got mad but then calmed down when I told him to not worry about it. Also I told him about mom and he just had a sad smile on his face.

"I'm sorry. I was being selfish and stupid, and I'm so sorry for putting you through that." I said and burst into tears. He got up and laid down on the hospital bed with me and held me in his arms telling me its okay.

When I calmed down Nick told me I'm at S.H.I.E.L.D. and he said that I'm going to just live here instead of Stark Towers. He told me about the Avengers and the main agents in S.H.I.E.L.D. and how he was a level 8 agent.

"Can I be an agent?" I asked.

"No." He replied almost immediately.

"Why not?"

Before he could reply the door opened and 5 people walked in. "I see you're awake, my name is Nick Fury, and you will acknowledge me as 'Director' or 'Director Fury', got it?" He said and I nodded. He was a tall bald dark man with an eye patch. 

"Agent Romanoff." A lady with red hair said and reached out to shake my hand.

"Hawkeye." said a man with sandy brown hair and glasses on.

"Bruce Banner." Another guy said in a nervous voice.

"And you already know Mr.-" Fury was cut off.

"Tony Stark." Tony said with a fake smile on his face and reached out to shake my hand but I ignored the gesture.

"Don't care." I mumbled.

Before Tony could reply Fury started talking about my sleeping arrangements here. By this time the Avengers left the room except for Fury.

"Do you mind telling me all that you know about your life?"

I gave him a confused look. "Umm what?"

I looked at Nick and he shrugged but nodded.

"Tony knocked up a supermodel during his famous one night stands and 9 months later I came. Then when I was 3 Nick came along as our bodyguard. I think my mom kept in touch with Tony and we would go see him at his Expos. He didn't know that I was his and still doesn't. And then...15 years later mom is... Mom dies and I'm stuck here in this mess with everyone telling me that they don't want me and that I need to leave. I fucking just died a few hours ago because my own blood doesn't want anything to do with me. Dude is only worried about his fucking reputation and doesn't give a shit about a kid who's mom wants him to look after. And-" Nick cut me off. And by that time I didn't even notice that I was shaking with anger. The lights kept flickering and the room turned cold. I looked at Nick and he looked a little scared. 

"Calm down Maddie."

"Don't tell me to calm down, you know I hate hospitals get me out of here right now." I said.

"Calm down and you might get what you ask." Fury says.

I soon calmed down and was carried by Nick to my room. It was a pretty big room but not as big. Everything was black, white, and blue. There was a queen size bed, bean bags, a desk, lamp, laptop, a bathroom, and a walk-in closet. I got onto the bed and laid down. I didn't know how exhausted I was until my head touched the pillow.

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