Chapter 14

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"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Nick's POV

I woke up on the ground with a huge headache. Memories flooded back to me and I stood up quickly. 

"Maddie?" I called out


"Shit." I ran outside to look for fresh footprints.


"Dammit! I should've waited."

Stark is going to kill me. But I have to do it.

I took my phone out and dialed a number.

"We have a problem....Its the Power stone, it took over her mind and body."

Third Person POV

It was midnight when IT arrived in New York. On the outside you see what looked like a demon from hell. And on the inside you see the same thing except for a small fraction of her mind. It was Maddison. But then again it wasn't her.

She was perched on the rooftop of a skyscraper looking down at the city, As if she was a predator looking for prey. She saw something flash in the sky to her right. She got up and saw an object heading towards her. Her hands went to her side and ice daggers formed in her hands. But these daggers were different. They were a dark red and dripping blood. Hurdling the daggers at the object as it got closer, she found herself getting more angry.

Next thing she knew she was surrounded by 3 Ironman suits, 2 helicopters, a Thor, 2 assassins,  and the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. 

They were trying to speak to her but she heard nothing. Only the words "Kill them all."

Daggers grew in her hands and she attacked.She hopped off the roof and stood in the middle of the street surrounded by civilians. She threw dagger after dagger  and ran down the street. They weren't attacking her because the people.

She grinned thinking about her next move.

She grabbed a lady and held a dagger to her throat, while the hostage's 6 year old daughter screamed in horror. IT gave the heroes a blood curdling smile and slit the lady's throat.

Maddison's POV


I watched as I slit the lady's throat. I try to get control over my body but it doesn't work. I'm trapped in here until someone can get the necklace off. People began to scatter

I scream as I see the little girl crying and cradling her mom. Then I'm tackled by Thor. I kicked him off of me and a dark growl emanated from me. 

"Maddison we are your allies, stop this. Take control." Thor said standing up with his hammer ready to swing.

I threw a dagger which he dodged but when it flew past him it turned around and pierced him in the back.

I was shot in the back by something. I spun around and saw Tony with his hand raised to me.

"Madd I don't want to do this to you kid, take off the necklace."

I sensed something coming behind me and stuck my hand out. Steve's shield was in my hand and I looked at him growling.

"Nice going Cap." Tony said sarcastically.

I jumped up and did a butterfly kick throwing the shield at Tony.


It sliced through his armor and I found myself fighting 2 Ironman suits, none of them had Tony in them. Thank God. The red and silver one attacked first and I created daggers and pierced straight through the armor. It dropped.. Dead i guess you can say. I turned to face the other one and was punched in the face. I jumped over it and beheaded it. I was breathing heavily and turned to everyone. They looked scared, shocked and worried.

"Is that all you got?" The voice sounded like a demonic growl almost and it came from ME!

"Maddie!" I heard a familiar voice call. I looked up.




Nick get out of here!!

He started walking over to me and ignored everyone's protests. He had no gun in his hand and I smirked. A dagger grew in my hand.

"Maddie listen to me, you can fight this,"

Nick get away from me!

"You have to fight this. Look around, don't you want to have a normal life? People are afraid of you."

I didn't look around. I didn't want to see what I did.

He stepped closer and closer until he was 3 feet away from me. I looked up at him and saw he was hurt and scared.

"Maddie please, I can't loose you too."

I paused for a minute and my face soften. Then I lunged at him and growled.

"Maddison's gone." And raised the dagger over his heart.

"I'm sorry then." He whispered and Pulled out a gun shooting me three times in the chest.

I fall backwards and the power goes back into the stone. I'm back in control over my body now.

I gasp as pain engulfs my chest.

I look up at the sky and see a bright glow of four stars.

"Mommy look at that one!" The 4 year old version of me said as I sat on laid on the roof looking at the stars. 

"I see," Mom smiled. "Do you see the heart?" 

I searched the sky but couldn't find it. "No." I frowned.

"You see those four bright stars that are kind of shaped in an arrow? Just add the smaller stars to fill in the gaps." She said.

I smiled once I saw it.

"As long as you see the heart in the sky, know that someday when i'm gone I will always be there to love you and guide you."

I smiled at the memory.

Nick came into view crying and I looked down at him. I felt myself being stripped away from life. I slowly raised my hand and put it on Nick's face.  Tony came running up to us with a slashed up Ironman suit.

"I l-love you...guys" I managed to choke out. 

"No! you're not doing this to me again!" nick yelled and I smiled.

"You haven't... gone soft o-on me h-have you?"

"God ever when you're dying you still have to be a Stark." Tony mumbled and looked at me with a sad smile.

My eyes began to close.

I took my last breath.



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