Chapter 6

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Maddison's POV

After that whole Steve thing he walked me to the Lab. While we were walking I was thinking about what happened. So Steve likes me I guess, but he's not my type. I mean he's cute and all but he's too old. 

My love life is great. Well I think it's great because I don't get hurt. I'm literally Tony Stark. Only thing that's different is that I'm a girl and a lot younger. I used to sneak out to parties and get drunk. Yeah I know i'm too young but You Only Live Once. But I never slept around, that's where I drew the line. I was known for bringing the fun to parties. People would say that the party didn't start until I came. But you know what the crazy part about it? Nick or mom NEVER caught me!


Right now I'm in the lab waiting for Dr. Banner so he can run some tests. He walked in and smiled at me then went to grab a clipboard with a few papers on them. He did the usual check ups: height, weight, breathing and etc. When it came to drawing blood I refused because 1. I was afraid that he would find out about Tony being my dad and 2. I really hate needles. 

"Maddison hold still." Bruce tells me but I keep moving.

"No. I don't Like Needles"

"Come on, its just going to take a few seconds." He said and put the needle in my skin.

I yelped and pushed him back, which probably wasn't the best idea. He crashed into a glass cabinet. 


Wait that's Bruce! 

"Bruce?" I cautiously asked getting off the table. He looked up at me and his eyes were green.

Fuck i'm about to get squashed by the Hulk.

I ran out the lab screaming and soon ran into someone. I looked up and saw I ran straight into Nick.

"Woah, what's the rush?"

I was out of breath. "Bruce... Needle...Hulk!" Was all i could saw and when I said 'Hulk' his eyes went wide. And on cue we both heard a Roar.

"Code Green, I repeat we have a Code green in the Lab!" He said frantically into his ear piece. I looked at him scared and he grabbed me and we ran down the hall. I heard heavy foot steps behind me and grunts and I knew the Hulk was coming after us. And by 'Us' i mean ME!

We made a sharp turn at a corner and I slid and ran into the wall making a dent. 

"Holy Shit!"

I was too busy freaking about everything that I didn't notice that i slowed down slightly and was hit my something. 

"Maddie!" I hear Nick scream.

I was sent flying into what looked like an abandoned control area. I groaned as I sat up. I checked my shoulder, that was still in the cast, it was hurting a little bit. I heard another Roar and almost shit myself. I crawled under the control panel and stayed as quiet as I could. I heard the Hulk come into the room and I froze. My entire body shut down and it was dead silent. Then I heard him walk somewhere else. Once I heard his foot steps fade I peaked out from under the panel and saw the coast was clear. I got up and jumped over the railing and landed on a table. 


And might I add that i'm not a ninja. I froze for a minute and then proceeded to  find a different exit. When I got out of the control room I was in a dark room. But something felt off. I cautiously walked through the room but stopped when I heard heavy breathing. I slowly ran my hand along the wall looking for the light switch. When I found it i flipped it on and turned around only to be face-to-face with THE HULK! I screamed as he grabbed me and threw me through a wall. I landed in the hanger on top on a plane groaning. So lets get this straight, I'm indestructible.

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