Chapter 8

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Maddison's POV

"Maddison Nicole report to my office immediately."  Fury said over the intercom.

I groaned and got out of be heading to the closet. I grabbed random clothes and went to the bathroom taking a 5 minute shower. When I was done I stopped by the cafeteria grabbing  some icecream and headed to Fury's office.

When I walked in all the Avengers including Nick were sitting around waiting.

"You're late." Fury and Nick say.

"Fashionably." I smiled and I heard Tony scuff which made me glare at him.

I sat by Steve because the only other seat was by Tony and I really don't want to put up with him. 

"Now we can get started." Fury starts to say but I zone out. This icecream is so good. I'm thinking about buying a mini freezer for my room and sock up on icecream.

"Maddison!" Someone says. 

"What!" I snap.

"Geeze kid didn't your parents teach you about manners?"

"Seeing how I only had a mother and my 'father' was out of the picture, I was taught to respect people who treat me right." I was starting to get mad.

"Well you're old enough to know when to use them and not act like a spoiled brat."

"Spoiled? You should be the last one talking about being spoiled." I snapped. We were having a full on argument and everyone was just sitting there watching in amusement.

"You only think about yourself. Your selfish and for you it's all about Money and your rep!"

"Because that's the only thing that matters to me now. That's the only that has ever mattered. I'm Tony Stark for crying out loud!" Tony yelled.

"Being a Dick wont make it any bigger."

"Language." Steve mutters.

"Watch your mouth." Tony says.

"Why? You're not my father." 

He raised his eyebrow. "I'm not?" The room goes dead silent.

I froze. No, please tell me he's just bluffing. He doesn't know.

"Nope, you're not."

"That's funny because-" 

"Why would it even matter to you? You're going to just send me to a Fucking orphanage! Why the fuck do you care Stark!" I yelled and felt my body turn to ice. Tony looked scared for a second but shook it off.

"I don't." Tony says nonchalantly and I created an icicle in my left hand. Tony must have noticed because his suit started to form on his body.

And a second later all Hell broke loose.

I threw icicles at him and he shot his repulsors at me. I lunged at him and we went through the wall into the Hanger. I created a dagger in my hand and was about to stab him with it but he kicked me off of him. I fell to the ground and flew into a plane, breaking the wing. I saw him fly towards me so i grabbed the wing and swung it hitting him like a baseball.

"And he's out of here!" I smirked as he was knocked outside off the helicarrier.

I threw the wing down and started to walk back to the room.

"Hey kid," I turned around and was shot by his repulsors in the chest. "Get your own hobby. Being a Stark is mine."

I groaned and got up slowly. I looked down and saw my cast was broken. I ripped it off and rotated my shoulder. Weird, must have healed. But cool!

I looked up at Tony an growled. I was beyond pissed at this point. 

"Look kid, I don't want to hurt you."

"Don't call me 'Kid'." I hissed and raised both my hands. 

More daggers formed in my hands but this time they were a lot thinner. I threw them straight at Tony's reactor. They pierced it and he let out a yelp falling to the ground.

I ran over to him, held a dagger over him and ripped off his mask. When he looked at me I felt a tug in my gut. He looked like he was in pain ad scared. 

"Tony doesn't know it yet but he'll need you one day. You both will need each other more than you guys will admit." Mom's words played in my head. I started to calm down and my skin went back to normal. I lowered the dagger only to be shot by Tony's repulsors. I landed on my back and the ground hit the back of my head. I flinched when I heard a crack. My vision starts to get blurry. I hear footsteps and people yelling. Then I pass out.

Vote& Comment!! I'm on a role here lol. Hope you like!!

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