Chapter 12

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Maddison's POV

My eyes flew open and I found myself strapped to a chair. I tried to use my powers but I couldn't. I struggled against the restraints and someone walked in.

"Ah you're awake." A man said walking towards me. He looks like his is from the military because of how he's build. He had great posture, very muscular, buzz cut, and his face was serious.

"Let's cut the shit, what do you want with me?"

"Feisty." The guy said with a disgusting smile. He punched me in the nose, luckily it didn't break. Blood dripped down my nose onto me shirt.

"Dude this is my favorite shirt!" I screeched. And was greeted with a kick to the stomach which made the chair fall back.

"Is that all you got? You hit like a Pussy." I coughed and groaned as he lifted the seat back.

"Oh no, i'm just getting warmed up." He punched me in my jaw.

Tony's POV

Its been a week since Maddison was taken, and we've got nothing. We have every agent at S.H.I.E.L.D. working to find her. I'm honestly not sure who is doing what, but I know they are trying to find her. Agent Nick doesn't know about Maddison because he was on a mission and Fury couldn't risk compromising it. But he's done now and is supposed to be headed to the tower right now.

As if on cue Nick walks in.

"Whats going on?" He asked as he sees people running around. Before I could say anything Sophia walked in and saw him.

"Sophia? What are you doing here?"

"They took her. They took Maddie." She said and started to cry in Nick's arms.

"What? When? Why wasn't I notified!?" He screamed.

Fury walked into the room and got an ear full from Nick.

"What the Hell Fury! Why didn't you tell me about Maddison?" 

"You were on a mission."

"I don't care. You know how much Maddison means to me!"

"Yeah, and I know what Maddison means to everyone in the tower and on the helicarrier. Don't think you're special because you've known her longer." Fury snapped. 

I stayed silent and just watched, I had no energy to get into an argument right now.

"Unbelievable Fury." Sophia said. Fury turned to her and narrowed his eyes.

"What are you doing here Sophia?"

"Wait you know her?" I decided to speak.

"Sophia is a friend-"

"I'm Fury's ex-wife." She stated. 

"Sir incoming video." J.A.R.V.I.S. announced. I ran to the meeting room and called the Avengers, once they were in here I played the video.

"Hey Tony. How's life?" Maddison's face was on the screen. It looked like she had been beaten but she didn't show she was in pain. Her face had a few cuts on it and her lip was busted. It literally broke my heart.

She was punched in the jaw and was told to read the cards. She looked down and started reading.

"Hello everyone, you have 24 hours to give up the stone or they will kill me..." She looked up at her captures. "You do realize if they don't give it to you and you kill me they definitely will not give it to you?" She received another blow to the face which made me flinch. Her words started to slur. "Bringgg the ssstone to thhis location by tomorrow. Or else I'll  be dead." She put the cards down and looked into the camera smirking.

"Nick do you remember our dog Max-" she was cut off by a blow to the stomach. She laughed spitting blood out. "God you hit like a bitch." And the video ended.

Nick ran out the room before anyone could say anything. "Where's he going?" Natasha asked.

"To proceed with the plan." Sophia said and we all looked at her. She walked over to the computer and started typing then spoke. "J.A.R.V.I.S. bring up Project Max."

"Yes Ms. Fury." She cringed at the name.

"Project Max is a program designed by Abigail and Maddison that has a file on everything just in case something goes wrong. Like saw one of them got kidnapped, once the code is activated all we can do it wait. But only Abigail and Maddison know the code, unless they told Nick."

"Where is it?" Steve asked.

"Their first home in Boston."

"J.A.R.V.I.S. make a flight plan with Mark-26 suit." I said and started to head towards the lab.

Nick's POV 

I arrived at the house, found the key under the mat and went inside the house. This was Abbie& Maddison's old house, the one Abbie grew up in. I ran upstairs to Abbie's room and went straight to the closet. I pulled out a safe and placed it on the bed. I typed the code in on the keypad and it unlocked. I opened it and pulled out The necklace. It had a red gem on it.

I stuffed it in my pocket and grabbed a map that was in the safe and the gun. I closed it and ran downstairs to the garage. I typed in the code to open the door and it opened. 

I walked in and turned on the light. Everything was covered in dust. 

This used to be where Maddison and I would fix my cars when I first met her. I walked over to a shelf and pulled back a book and stepped back. The garage began to shake a little and the shelf moved and revealed a door. The door opened and what came out made me smile. I pressed a button on the side of it and it powered on.

"Greetings Nickolas." 

"J.A.R.V.I.S. go get Maddison."

So... what do you think!? I'm going to take a break on updating right now. But Vote& Comment!

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