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S.H.I.E.L.D.& The Avengers weren't the same after Maddison' death. It hit them hard. Everyone had some kind of loving relationship with her. Whether it was being a secret admirer, close friend, family, or an unofficial guardian. Even Thor was broken up about her dying. Maddison and him had a brother sister type of relationship, they hated each other then they loved one another. 

Her funeral was a month later and the only people who were there were the ones who knew her. You'd expect someone to read a special speech that described Maddison, but no one did. Everyone was to broken up, some didn't want to go but they still needed to pay their respects.

It was a closed casket because no one know how badly her face was scarred from that night. Nick and Tony were a mess. Tony began drinking heavily and Nick never showed up to S.H.I.E.L.D. after the funeral. 

Nick's POV

I was in Maddison's room in Avengers tower. I looking through photos of her and I when she was younger. I missed her being so small. Then she grew up... And then died. I killed her. She was the daughter I always wanted. And I killed her.

Everyone's telling me it was necessary but I don't believe it. I sighed and put the pictures back. I walked towards the door but stopped and looked back at her bed.

"I miss you Maddie." 

"Miss you too Nicky."

I froze and then realized my mind is playing tricks on me from being sleep deprived.

Then walked out turning the lights off in the room and closing the door. It was close to midnight so I decided to head to my room.

I opened my door and stopped when I saw a figure laying on the bed. I closed the door slowly and pulled my gun out of the holster.

"You wouldn't shoot me Nick, would you?"

I turned on the light and lowered my gun.

"Does anyone know you're here?" I asked.

"Of course not." I walked over to the bed as the person stood up. I pulled them into a hug, which they gladly returned. Their scent filled my nose as tears started to form in my eyes. I pulled away and brushed strands of hair from their face. I looked into the familiar hazel eyes and smiled.

"I missed you Abbie." I kissed her passionately.

Boom! Abbie/Abigail: Maddison's mom. remember?! Yeah. 

Well you guys probably noticed how in the title it says "Book 1" and this confirms there's going to be a book 2.


Tony Stark's Daughter (Book 1) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now