Chapter 5 [Edited]

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(AN: Because I love you guys im going to start updating whenever I finish a chapter.)

Maddison's POV

I woke up and the room was pitch black and cold. I looked at the clock and saw it was 3 am. I got out of bed and changed into sweats and a hoodie. I walked out the room and it was quiet. I walked down the hall aimlessly since I don't know my way around. Then I came across the Cafeteria.

Hmm Icecream sound good right now.

I walked behind the counter and looked in the freezer. And sure enough, it was filled with all sorts of icecream. I squealed and grabbed 2 Ben& Jerry Half Baked Cookie Dough. I walked out grabbing a spoon. I walked down the hallway eating a container of icecream in one hand and the other in my hoodie pocket. I walk for about 10 minutes passing by the control rooms and I walk into a gym. It was dark except for one light shining over a guy and a punching bag.

Curiosity got the best of me so I walked in and sat on a bench a few feet away from him eating huge spoonfuls of icecream. He was big! Blonde hair, Muscles all over. He didn't even notice me. His punches got harder and faster. Soon the punching bag flew off the hook and went flying into the wall.

Holy Fuck! Remind me not to take cookies from his cookie jar.

He was panting and went into a door then came out with another punching bag and started punching again. I decided to make my presence known.

"Can't sleep?" I asked.

He looked up. "Slept for 70 years, think I had my fill."

I laughed. "While you were sleep were you rehearsing that line?"

He stopped punching the bag and looked at me somewhat irritated.


"Shouldn't you be asleep kid?"

Haha Great comeback dude. Note the sarcasm.

I narrowed my eyes. I hate when people call me kid. I'm not a freaking kid!

"Shouldn't you be in an old folks home?" I snapped and stuffed another spoonful of icecream in my mouth. He took the wraps off his hands and started walking towards me.

Fuck Maddie! You had to piss off the guy who can kill you with one punch!

As he got closer I started to feel really small, he was so big. When he got in front of me I expected him to hit me or something but he did something I wouldn't expect.

"Steve Rogers." He said holding his hand out for me to shake. I looked his hand and then back up at him.

I didn't want to be rude but I don't like shaking men's hands. I do fist bumps.

I put my icecream down and gently closed his hands so it made a fist and then gave him a fist bump.


He was confused for a second but shrugged it off. "So why do you have 2 cartons of icecream?"

"Because I want to have a good breakfast."

"That's not a good breakfast."

"Wasn't aware that you were my Nutritionist old man."

He scuffed. "Are you by any chance related to Stark?"

I knew he was joking.

Tony Stark's Daughter (Book 1) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now