Chapter Two ☼

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Here's the next chapter! Hope you like it (:



Chapter Two 

July 6, 57 days till September...

It'd been three days since I'd last seen the Matt guy. Not that I hadn't looked. I'd skimmed the beach a few times each day since Tuesday night. I was surprised at how often he popped into my thoughts. I was desperately hoping to see him again. My mom had told me that a lot of people often would come up here just to spend a day at the beach then drive back home; I hoped that wasn't the case with him though.

She was right though about the people around here being friendly. I, being the klutz I am, had literally bumped into a girl named Hannah on Wednesday.

Thankfully she laughed off my clumsiness, and had introduced herself. I had run into her again yesterday, thankfully though not knocking her over that time. We'd exchanged numbers after talking and realizing we had a lot in common, and had made plans to meet today at the beach at 4:30.

"Cute bathing suit!" she commented smiling at me when she saw it. It was a navy blue and white striped tankini. I typically woke tankinis instead of bikinis because I felt more comfortable when not showing off so much skin. I normally only wore one if I went swimming at a friend's house and there were no boys around.

"Thank you," I smiled and glanced at her blue and green floral bikini, "Yours is really cute too."

She smiled and patted the spot next to her towel on the sand, "You can put your stuff here."

She briefly glanced down at all the kids by the water, "I don't really want to go in the water right now. I'd rather wait till it's not so crowded down there."

I nodded, "Same."

I plopped my stuff next to hers and leaned back enjoying the sun on my face, "It's so amazing here!"

She laughed, "It is. Our family has been spending our summers here since I was little."

"Where are you from?" I asked her curiously.

"Originally we were in northern Virginia, but two years ago we moved up here to Rhode Island. So we only live about an hour or two away from here. Depends on traffic."

I smiled, "That must be nice to live so close to a beach! I've lived in Connecticut my whole life. We used to go to Outer Banks every summer for about a week, but my dad isn't really a beach person. He prefers the mountains."

"Well I don't know how you couldn't love this place," she commented leaning back and smiling, "I love the beach."

I nodded, "Yeah this place is amazing."

"When did you get here?" she asked a couple minutes later.

"Tuesday night. And I'll be here till September 1st."

"Do you know anyone else around here?"

I shook my head, "Not really. I mean I saw a couple people on the beach Tuesday night, but I didn't talk to them or anything."

"Probably Alex and his friends," she mumbled rolling her eyes.

I looked at her curiously, "Something I should know about them?"

She shrugged, "I wouldn't exactly recommend getting with Alex. He and most of his friends aren't exactly the type of people you'd want to get involved with them. Most of them are jerks."

"Most of them?" I asked curiously biting my lip.

"Except for Matt. But he typically hangs out with us more than his brother," she informed me, and my eyes brightened at the mention of his name.

"Oh... Is he nice?"

"Very," she said smiling, "He's Alex's younger brother and is sixteen. But he's pretty much the complete opposite of his brother. Well except in attractiveness. Neither of them are a bad site."

She giggled then looked at me curiously, "Why, you interested?"

"No!" I lied, "Just curious..."

She smiled and rolled her eyes, "No problem if you are. I've got my eye on a guy named Andrew. As long as you keep your paws off him I'm good."

I laughed and smiled, "No problem. You'll have to introduce me to him sometime though so I'll know who he is and not accidently snatch him up."

She nudged me playfully, "Better not. I've called dibs."

"I should introduce you to the rest of my gang though. We're actually having a campfire tomorrow night. I can stop by tomorrow 8:30ish and we can walk down together." She offered.

"That sounds cool," I said and nodded, "Sure I'll come."

"Great!" she glanced at her watch and shrieked, "Yikes! I got to watch my little brother and am supposed to be home in 5 minutes!"

She smiled at me apologetically, "I'm so sorry!"

"No problem!" I smiled reassuringly at her, "I should probably be heading back anyway. It's going on 6:30."

She grabbed her stuff and started to head towards a house, six down from my moms. "See you tomorrow!" she called out before running up towards it.

I glanced down at the water and decided to just dip my feet in.

I walked towards it and waited as the wave came in and covered my feet. I squealed at the coldness, jumping a bit and taking a few steps back. I heard a chuckle from behind me and turned around to see a guy with dark brown hair and blue eyes watching me.

He smirked as he looked me up and down making me feel uncomfortable.

"Hello," he said, the smirk still planted on his face.

"Uh hi," I said and discreetly tried to walk up to my towel, hoping he'd walk off.

But instead he followed me. "I don't think I've seen you around here before. I'm Alex," he said giving me a confident look.

I grimaced, "Mhmmm..."

I grabbed my stuff and started walking up towards the house trying to lose the guy.

"I didn't catch your name," he said reaching and grabbing my arm.

I tried to tug it loose but he wouldn't let go.

"I didn't give it," I said staring coldly up at him.

He smirked and leaned in close to me, making me squirm, "I've always liked a challenge."

"Alex!" a guy's voice called out making him look away from me. I stared at the ground trying to pull my arm away again, luckily succeeding this time. Alex glared at the guy, and I walked away quickly not bothering to look at the guy who'd came up.

"Matt, seriously you need to stay out of my business."

I was so tempted to turn around, but I figured I should get away while I could. I didn't want to have to deal with that creep, Alex, again.

I slipped inside and slid down against the wall, shuddering. Hannah was right when she said Alex wasn't the type of person you'd want to get involved with. There was just something about him that seemed off.

I lifted the curtain back and saw that both of them were gone, which made me feel relieved, yet disappointed at the same time.

Finally, after three days of wanting to see Matt again I had my chance. But it seemed that he and Hannah were sort of friends, so I was hoping that he might show up then. Then thinking about tomorrow I groaned.

"Mom! Have you seen my white shorts?"

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