Chapter Ten ☼

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Chapter 10 

September 1...

"Emily?" I heard my mom whisper as she started to shake me, "You need to get up."

I slowly got up and moved around not paying attention to my surroundings. Ignoring everything. All I could think about was Matt, and it was killing my heart knowing he was no longer mine.

I started to put my bags in the car. Once the last was put in my mom shut the trunk.

"You ready to go?" my mom asked turning around towards me. I nodded and faked a smile, "Yeah..." She turned back around and started up the engine, my heart breaking at the sound of leaving. I turned around and looked out the back of the window towards the beach.

"Goodbye Matt," I whispered letting one last tear fall.

It had been 3 days since I'd left, and I felt like I was dying. There was a constant ache in my chest and it was killing me with how things had been left between Matt and me.

I pulled up the website to the radio the guys were supposed to be performing on. I had promised them before I'd left I'd listen, even though I wouldn't be there.

"Hey we're back on air and we have a local band here! Why don't you guys introduce yourselves?" I felt my heart hurt even more, if that was even possible as they all started to introduce themselves. When Matt started to talk, I almost cried at how broken he sounded.

"So what song are you guys performing today?"

"We were going to perform another song of ours, but over the events of these past couple days I wrote this one."

"And what's this song about?"

"It's about an amazing girl I met and fell in love with this summer," he said and tears were building up in my eyes again, "And how much I'm going to miss her."

I heard a guitar starting to be played and Matt's voice started to sing,

"I can still see you standing there 

Summer tangled in your hair 

1st week of July, first day of my life

And my voice shook when I said hello 

And from that word we couldn't take it slow 

I still can't believe the way you looked at me

Now the nights turn colder 

Your heads on my shoulder 

We do our best to pretend

Waves get louder 

I'm lost without her 

As summer starts to end

Let's blame it on September 

Cause it hurts to remember 

We can fight to hold on but August is gone 

And even if the sun falls 

I hope we don't lose it all 

Cause no summer lasts forever 

Let's blame it on September

We drew hearts there in the sand 

Laughed when waves erased our plans 

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