Chapter Nine ☼

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Chapter 9 

August 31, 1 day till September...

"Emily!" Matt called and ran over to me with a huge smile on his face.

He picked me up and spun me around. I laughed and wobbled around a bit after he set me down, "What are you so excited about?"

"There's a local station that said me and the guys could perform one of our songs live, and they're airing it."

"That's great!" I exclaimed excited as a smile broke out onto my face, "When?"

"On Tuesday," he said and looked at me hopefully, "You'll be there, right?"

I looked down silently, and fought back a sob, "Matt..."

He pulled my chin up making me look up at him, "What's the matter?"

I closed my eyes, biting my lip trying to keep the tears back, "That's on the 4th... and tomorrow's September 1st..."

He looked at me confused for a second, "So? What does that have to do with anything?"

"Matt I go home tomorrow," I breathed out looking away, unable to see the hurt in his eyes.

He was quiet for a couple minutes, "I... I didn't realize it was that close..."

"I wish I could stay," I whispered tearing up.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" he whispered and pulled me to his chest.

I hugged him back tightly and let a few stray tears fall.

"Nowhere as near as how much I'll miss you..." I whispered as I felt my heart start to break.

I fit the rest of my clothes into the bag and set it on the floor. It seemed like just yesterday I was unpacking everything. I felt a sense of emptiness come over me. Everything was packed up, except for the clothes I was wearing tomorrow and a few small things in the bathroom.

I walked over to the window looking out. I could remember the first time I'd seen Matt like it was yesterday. When we'd locked eyes I knew something was going to happen. I still felt that excitement every time I saw him. And still felt heartbreak at the thought of having to leave him.

My mom knocked on the doorway and I looked up at her. "I can't believe your leaving already."

"Neither can I..." I whispered and smiled sadly, "I'm gonna miss this place."

"Well you're spending next summer here." She smiled at me and hugged me, "Are you sure you can't come to dinner with Tom and me?"

I shook my head, "I want to spend my last night with my friends."

She nodded, "I need to head out. I'll be back later. I'm waking you up at 5, so make sure everything you're not going to need is packed tonight. Don't be out too late."

She walked out and I sat on the floor, looking at my bags. Where would I be in a year? Where would Matt be? Would he still love me? Would he want to be with me? Or was everything going to end along with summer... Things would be so much easier if August never ended. If September never came... And if summer could last forever...

"But no summer lasts forever..." I whispered.

"I'm going to miss you so much!" Hannah cried out throwing her arms around me, "You better be back next year!"

"I'm planning on it," I said smiling sadly, "I'm gonna miss all of you."

We were sitting around a campfire roasting marshmallows, just like we'd been at the beginning. Except this night was going to be one of tears and sadness, not laughter and happiness like that night.

Matt hadn't shown up yet and I was growing worried.

"He'll be here," Hailey said as if reading my thoughts, and smiling sympathetically.

But he didn't show.

And it was going on 11:30.

I stood up and hugged everyone goodbye, "I'll be heading out! Make sure to stay in contact with me!"

After I'd said my goodbyes I headed over to his house. His mom opened the door and gave me a sad smile, "He's down by the pier."

I nodded and started to walk off when she stopped me, "He really loves you... Thank you for everything you've done for him. I'll miss seeing you around."

I smiled my thanks at her, "I'll miss this place too..."

I headed down to see him sitting where the waves were crashing.

"Were you not going to show up?" I called out to him when I was a few feet away.

He looked in my direction.

"Were you just going to let me leave without saying goodbye?" I asked tearing up.

"I don't like goodbyes," he said and turned his gaze back to the water.

"So what, you just ignore people to avoid them?"

"You have no idea how hard this is on me!" he yelled standing up and coming towards me.

"How hard this is on you?" I let out and tears started to fall on my face, "It's not easy on me Matt! I don't want to go any more than you want me too..."

"Then stay," he pleaded grabbing my face in his hands, "You could move in with your mom. We could be together..."

"I can't leave my dad..." I whispered feeling my heart start to crack, "I couldn't do that to him..."

"So you're picking him over me," he stated angrily.

"I can't pick between the two of you! I love you Matt. I really do... But I can't break his heart. He's already had it happen and I won't have him go through having someone else leave him."

He started to walk off. "Then I guess this is over." He said and I felt my heart break.

"Matt! I love you," I cried out grabbing onto his arm and making him face me.

He tilted my face up towards his and whispered, "I do too Emily... But I can't have my heart continue to hurt this bad."

He pressed his lips against mine, and I knew it would be our last kiss.

I clutched onto him tightly remembering everything about him. His scent, his taste, the feel of him against me, and the warmth that spread through me whenever he touched me. He pulled away and I took in his beautiful eyes one last time.

"Goodbye Emily." He whispered before walking off.

And then I started to cry as my heart shattered into a million little pieces.


One more left. Thanks for reading!

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