Chapter 24

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Calum's POV:

Tomorrow is the day. The day that I have to go home and leave Belgium. I really look forward to going home and seeing my family again but on the other hand I don't want to leave Sarah. The thought of not being able to call her mine and her being free to start something with someone else kills me. I don't want her seeing someone else! I want her to be mine. I know it sounds selfish but I don't want to share her with anyone else.

As she's cuddles up to me, all I want to do is squeeze her tight and never let go. Not ever.

Luke and Febe are cuddled up in the other couch, Michael and Ashton are laying on the mattresses which we already laid down in front of the couches. If I'd take a picture of then and put it on Instagram or twitter, Mashton girls would go crazy! I think they're falling asleep since Febe chose the last movie which is the oh so wonderful Twilight. Seriously girl, just pick one of them. And if you can't choose, let them fight! The one that survives is obviously the strongest so your kids will be better too! And if they both die, well... you'll have the chance to find a normal boyfriend. That's a win-win situation!!

When the movie ends, I can hear light snores coming from Michael and Ashton. As for Febe and Luke? Let's just say that I'm very uncomfortable right now with them snogging.

Suddenly Sarah stands up and runs to the door, slamming it shut behind her. Ashton shoots up, looking confused while Michael just keeps sleeping. What has gotten into her?

"I'll go check on her" Febe says, quickly pecking Luke on the lips again before standing up. I don't know why but for some reason I think their snogging has something to do with it...

"No, I'll go" I say just in time. Febe's standing in front of the door already. "I want to talk to her..." I explain. You don't have to be a genius to know about what. She smiles and nods before seating herself back on the couch, next to Luke. 

I make my way towards the door, carefully opening it and closing it back behind me. As I walk up the stairs, memories of the first time I came here float back into my mind. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear sniffling. The sound gets louder as I walk closer to Sarah's room. When I open her door, I see a bunch of curls sticking out of the bed sheets. I close the door and when I walk closer to her, I see her burying her face into her pillow, crying.

"Sarah?" The sniffling stops for a moment.

"Go away" she murmurs before turning around, her back facing me.

"Sarah, please talk to me" I almost beg her. "Why did you run away?"

She doesn't answer. She just shrugs and swings her arm around the giant teddybear laying next to her. I can't believe I'm actually jealous of a teddybear.

"Is it because of Luke and Febe?" I question. A few seconds after I asked, she starts crying harder and harder. I guess I'm right. I don't know what to ask or say so I just seat myself next to her, rubbing her back to sooth her.

"Why does it make you cry so hard?" I ask softly after a few minutes. She seems to have calmed down. For the first time since I entered her room, she looks at me. Her beautiful green-brown eyes are bloodshot because of all the tears that she cried. I hate to see her so upset.

She sits up, looking for the right words to say. It stays silent for another few minutes while she fumbles with her sheets.

"Seeing them like that and hearing all their promises about being faithful makes me wonder if..." She looks up at me, staring straight into my eyes. "If you'll find someone back home" Her eyes fixate on her hands again. "I can imagine you forgetting about me or just starting something with some girl and it won't be a sin or something 'cause we aren't together so it would be totally normal. But the truth is, it would crush me into thousands of tiny little pieces" Tears form in her eyes again and the first one soon rolls down her cheek. I can't believe what I'm hearing. "It would break my heart again. And it would hurt so much more because it was you who glued all the tiny bits back together. It would hurt so badly because..." Her eyes meet mine again as she finds the courage to say whatever she wants to say. "Because I really, really like you, Calum" She likes me. She likes me. ME! Does that mean she's over Tony now? I guess it does, doesn't it? "In the past few days you managed to fix my heart again and I've grown extremely strong feelings for you" She continues. Everything that she held back seems to come out all at once. "I don't want you to go back to Australia, not knowing wether or not I've found someone else to replace you. I don't want me staying here, not knowing wether or not you'll forget about me because of all these girls that love you. I don't want you loving someone else. I want your love. I want to call you mine, even know you're on the other side of the world" I'm dumbfounded by her words. Totally speechless. The only thing I can think of is kissing her beautiful, soft lips. That's all I want to do right now.

I gently brush away her tears with my thumbs, resting one hand on her cheek afterwards. As I move closer to her, a little smile forms on her lips, indicating that she knows exactly what's going to happen. All of my insecurities about her not wanting to go away when I see that smile. A smile which I could look at for an entire day. That is if I didn't move my gaze to her beautiful eyes of course.

She seems shy all of the sudden. Not sure how to react. The confident Sarah with the awesome comebacks has now made place for a shy, quiet Sarah. I like both of them. When she's confident, her comebacks are always fun. Whether they insult me or one of the other boys, they're hilarious. But when she's shy, I feel like I have to protect her from others. And I love them both equally.

I start to lean in, tilting my head a little. She seems to follow my lead, leaning in just a tiny little bit. I decide on just making my move. Our lips brush against each others lightly. Thousands of butterflies fly through my stomach, creating a tingling feeling through my entire body. My heartbeat is going faster than it has ever done before as I smash my lips against hers, kissing her intimately. Her hands slip behind my head, tugging at my hair softly. Without braking the kiss, I lift her up from under her bedsheets and seat her on my lap, one of her legs at each side of it. I rest my hands on her thighs, not wanting to go too fast.

Sarah's the first one to brake the kiss. Her heavy breath tickles against my skin as we both catch our breaths. Her forehead leans against mine as she smiles widely. I smile back at the beautiful girl sitting on my lap. 

"Does that mean I can call you mine now?" She asks, biting her lip nervously. I smile at her innocence.

"As long as I can call you mine too" I add a wink before kissing her again.

They made it!! Woooo

I can't believe I'm only ten reads away from 6K!!! This book is gaining one thousand reads in a week!! You guys blow my mind!! I can't describe how happy it makes me!!

And I love all of the comments you leave! I read every single one of them and they always make my day! So feel free to comment anything you want! (except for hate of course although I haven't seen any of that on here)

I love all of you who read my book! And don't forget:
-I'm still looking for a new name so message me if you have any ideas
-My new book, The Unknown Band, is updated weekly (every Sunday) and it's also about a band so go check it out!

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