Chapter 25

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Calum's POV:

Lying on her bed, feeling her body heat as she's cuddled up against me makes me the happiest person on this planet. I don't think Columbus was as happy as I am now when he discovered America. Neither was Pinocchio when he became a boy! This feeling goes far beyond what they felt, I'm sure of that.

I messaged Luke a few minutes ago, telling that everything was fine and that Sarah fell asleep on her bed.

Of course I'm staying with her. The last few hours that we can be together are slowly ticking away. I don't care wether she's awake or asleep but I want to spend those hours right next to her.

I can feel my eyes slowly closing as sleep takes over. I swing one arm over her waist as I drift off into a deep sleep.


Sarah's POV:

"I'm gonna miss you" Michael says while hugging me.

We had to wake up early since Luke's mom decided to take a plane at 7am. I can assure you that waking up at five in the morning is not pleasant at all! Especially not when it hits you that you have to let go of the four boys that made the first week of your vacation the best week of your life.

"I'll miss you too" I say before releasing the colourful haired boy. "We'll stay in touch, right?" I ask. I can already feel tears forming in my eyes when I realise the hours we had left to spend together have turned into minutes. I try my best to push them back but it doesn't help. I can't fight them any longer.

"Of course we will, teddybear!" Michael thought it would be nice to call me teddybear since I'm a huge hug fan. I tried to talk it out of his mind at first but soon realised it was a total waste of time. He would use it, whether I like it or not.

I say my goodbyes to Luke and Ashton before walking to Calum. This is going to be the hardest on, for sure.

I run into his arms as soon as I spot the tears forming in his eyes. I'm so happy we showed our feelings to each other yesterday but it did make all of this much harder! Minutes pass as we just hug each other. Neither of us knows what to say or how to say goodbye.

Goodbye. It sounds so definite. Like I'm never going to see him again.

"I'll miss you so, so much" He mumbles while his face is hidden in my hair. Tears run down my cheeks as it hits me that I'm going to have to let go soon. I squeeze him a little bit tighter.

"I don't want to let go" I say and he sighs.

"Neither do I" He breaks the hug and cups my cheeks in his hands. "But I have to go..." His eyes lock with mine before he gently pushes his lips against mine. He pulls back way to soon for my liking. "I'll send you pictures, I promise! And we can FaceTime or Skype" He lifts my chin up to look straight into my eyes. "We'll work this out, I'm sure we will" He smiles, a heart warming smile.

"Boys, it's time to go"

He hugs me once more, squeezing me tight before locking our lips together for the last time.

"I have to go now" He says with his forehead against mine. I nod, not able to say anything.

He quickly pecks my forehead before running to the other boys.

I see Febe and Luke saying goodbye before Luke slams his lips against Febe's. He pulls away after a minute and runs to the others boys as well. I make my way to where Febe is standing and intertwine our hands.

The boys give us one last look before heading into the terminal. Calum winks at me which causes me to smile. I can finally call him mine...


When I reach home again after dropping Febe off at her home, my phone got thousands of  messages from Twitter. I open my phone to see a lot of pictures of Calum and I kissing. Loads of Luke and Febe too. My twitter is going crazy!

I also see I have message from Calum. My heart skips a beat when I read his name. Opening it, I see he send me the first picture, just like he promised he would.

"Off to see some kangaroos" It says. I chuckle when seeing the picture of the four boys. I'm gonna miss them, that's for sure.

Sorry it's short! Didn't really know how to write it...

So the picture he send is on the side! And I think I'm going to use the next chapters just to show the pictures he sends to her and what he captions with them. So a lot of chapters will be added soon but all of them will be extremely short!! Hope you guys like the idea! Also, as you can see on this picture, some of them will be of when they just started but just imagine the boys how they are now...

Thank you all so much for reading this and if you like this chapter or the idea please comment, share and vote <3

Just Saying - Calum HoodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt