Chapter 35

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Calum's POV:

"Hey, mate." I hear Luke's voice say. I can't say anything as my eyes are glued to the woman. The man catches me staring at them. If it were anyone else I would've looked away now but I can't move. I look straight into his eyes as he glances at me from time to time. "You look like you've seen a ghost..." Luke states as he steps in front of me, blocking my view. I'm finally able to move but only to freeze again as I see the man walking closer to me. "Dude, what's wr... Oh" Luke finally spots the man who's almost reached us. "Is that..."

"Patrick." I'm finally able to speak.

"Do I know you?" The man asks us. A few seconds later the woman, Micky stands next to him.

"No- uh... I'm- I... I'm Calum" I manage to blurt out, holding out my hand for him to shake it. He hesitates a while before grabbing it, shaking it firmly and releasing it again.

"I'm Patrick." The man says. "But apparently you already know that." He frowns at me.

"Yes. I-uh... I'm a friend of Sarah's." Not exactly but okay.

"Oh really?" The man's face lights up when he hears her name. "I didn't know Sarah had friends here."

"I'm not from here." I quickly say. Oh god. What is he going to think when he knows I'm on a world tour? "I'm from Australia." I would've laughed with his face if I wasn't so nervous. Now all I can think of is how to say that I'm in a relationship with her and not just her "friend". So many possible conversations went through my head last night but none of them are even close to this one. "We met in Belgium at a concert." Well at least I'm not lying.

"It's nice to meet friends of Sarah!" Micky says. "But why did you go to a concert in Belgium if you're from Australia?" Well... Here goes nothing.

"Because-uh... I'm in the band that was performing..." Both their eyes widen as what I just said sinks in. It takes everything in me to fight the urge of running away.

"The same band that's performing in town tonight?" Micky asks. This is getting worse with the minute.

"Yeah, that one." I try to force a smile.

"Wait..." She starts but pauses for a moment. Examining my face, she frowns. "Sarah mentioned someone, a guy, who was more than just a friend." Great! She mentioned me. "She said it was going to be a hard relationship but that it was going well so far." I smile at that thought. She was right. It was going really well so far. Better than we both expected it to go. "You're that guy, aren't you?" The woman's lips curl up into a huge smile when she sees mine.

"Yes ma'am." What she does next surprises me. Stepping forward, she pulls me into a hug.

"She didn't mention you were so handsome!" Oh god. I can already feel my cheeks reddening. "Oh I'm so happy to meet you! I was afraid that I would have to wait until the next time we went to Belgium!" Seeing her enthusiasm makes all my nervousness go away.

"It's really nice to meet you too." I say as she let's go of me.

"Cal, we have to get going" Luke says. I almost forgot he was still standing next to me. I look back at the two of them. I wish I could spend more time with them.

"I have to go now..." I say, not wanting to leave.

"Well, we don't want to keep you from doing what you have to do!" Micky says as she gives me two kisses, one on each cheek. "It was nice meeting and I hope to see you again sometime!"

"I hope so too!" I say before turning to Patrick.

"It was good to meet you, son." He says, shaking my hand. "Take good care of my Sarah, will ya?" He smiles but I can tell he's being very serious.

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