The unknown band

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Hi! I'm sorry this is not an update... Due to my exams I don't have time to write a new chapter however I did make this hilarious picture (yes, I do find my own jokes hilarious... Pathetic, I know) which I want to share with you and to make it up to you, here's the first chapter of my other book: The Unknown Band! I hope you like it and if you do, go check it out on my profile!! I love you all <3

"Come on Femi! Hurry up!" I shout at my best friend "we're gonna miss it if you don't get your ass over here!"

Today, in exactly one minute and fifteen seconds, our favourite band is going to release their new song. And if I say favourite band, I mean number-one-idol-know-everything-about-them-must-be-the-first-to-hear-their-new song- favourite band. Yes. You can say we're obsessed with them. Although it's pretty hard to know everything about them when we don't even know who they are. Yes. You did hear that correctly. We don't know who they are. Actually, we don't know anything about them. Except that their new song is being released in thirty seconds.


"Shut up! I'll be right there!"

"Twenty-five seconds!!"

I watch their website counting down the seconds. When the site says "10 seconds" Femi runs in and jumps on her bed next to me with a bag of popcorn. She's always eating...

We both scream when the site says five seconds because once the music starts, we stay quiet because we don't want to miss anything! Oh my god it's almost there! Only three more seconds... Two... One!!

And that's when we go in a trance.

Many people, like our parents, don't understand how we can be so obsessed over a band. They're like: "But you don't know who they are!" And "What if they're ugly!?" And then I'm like: I don't care if they're ugly! They can sing and that's all that matters to me.

Femi and I are both going through some rough times. Femi has problems at home with her mom and her brother. Let's just say she prefers coming over to my place. And me? I've had like the worst year of my life so far. I lost two family members in six months. I've had enough of hospitals.

And that's where our obsession with this band comes from. When we listen to them, we forget everything. Just the way they sing and make these beautiful lyrics. It may sound weird but they help us through. If we feel like giving up. If I just can't handle it for a moment. I go to my room, close the door, plug in my earphones and play their music. I close my eyes and for a moment I'm away from everything. Away from all the pain. Away from all the drama. Away from everything and everyone except them. It's just me and them. I don't even know how many of them. But that doesn't matter.

Just Saying - Calum HoodWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt