Chapter 1

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Silverkits prov
Silverkit eyes jolted open her claws unsheathed. She looked both ways for the wolf she had just encountered. She let out a sigh of relief at feeling the familiar moss under her paws. The peace was short lasted as she was stepped on by her brother and sister. "Ow!" She hissed to her littermates who didn't stop there chase. Her brother Foxkit was chasing their sister Spiritkit. Her brothers green eyes were beaming with excitement his bright ginger colored fur fluffed out from head to his tail that had white on it just like his paws. While their sister Spiritkit with her bright blue eyes and light golden fur that had brown spots on her face and the rest of her fur seemed to be just enjoying herself. Silverkit rose to her paws letting out a small yawn while stretching. She didn't expect it when her brother threw himself at her wresting her to the ground. Silverkit playfully cuffed him behind the ear rolling around with him. Their sister jumped on the two obviously wanting to join in on the fun. During all their playing they didn't notice that their mother Goldenfur was right behind them until she let out a purr of amusement. They all untangled each other and sat side by side their pelts brushing. The mothers eyes swept of her kits a small hint of pride lingering in her green eyes. Then her eyes turned serious "Keep it down or you'll wake up Greyflower" she scolded. "Its ok i'm already awake" a gentle voice said at the back of the cave. A grey short haired tabby rose to her paws looking towards the entrance "I couldn't sleep much anyway" she said padding toward the entrance. She stopped in front of Goldenfur and the kits. "I can get Poppytail if you like?" Goldenfur offered. Before the grey she cat could respond Foxkit started to bounce up and down in excitement "Can I get her?" He asked. His mother shot him a glance the turned to the other queen who just nodded "Thank you Foxkit" the queen said turning around heading back to her nest. Foxkit smiled cheerfully not waiting for his mothers approval and dashed toward the medicine cats den. Goldenfur just sighed not wasting her breath calling for her kit. Spiritkit was staring off toward the entrance to the camp that was covered in Bramble thicket. Silverkit noticed this and looked toward entrance to seeing three warriors popped out of the tunnel each holding pieces of fresh kill in there jaws. She could make out her father Cinderhawk holding a plump mouse in his jaws and Bluefeather holding a sparrow along with her apprentice Robinpaw with two voles dangling by their tails following behind them. Spiritkit looked toward her mother "How about we get some fresh kill?" She suggested looking from her mother to Silverkit. Her mother just shook her head "You two go on ahead but stay out of trouble" Goldenfur said turning around and heading back into the nursey. Silverkit padded toward the fresh kill pile Spiritkit on her heels. She paused in front of the pile and picked out the plump mouse her father had just caught. Silverkit took a few quick bites before offering the rest to her sister who ate the rest in a few mouthfuls. She licked her paw wiping it across her face giving herself a quick grooming. Spiritkit swiped her tongue across her lips in a quick motion then leaned toward Silverkit whispering "Lets sneak out and explore". She could hear and feel the excitement pulsing from her sister. Silverkit could feel the excitement traveling to her self. Her paws did itch to do something she had another day until she was a apprentice. She looked her sister in the eyes a look of determination reflecting in them "And how do you presume we leave" she asked flicking her tail towards the entrance which was currently guarded by Frostleap and Rustlefoot. Spiritkit looked toward the warriors then turned back toward her opening her mouth about to say something but was interrupted by a deep voice "What are you two doing?". Silverkit shifted her head looking behind her. It was their father Cinderhawk he padded to the two she kits sitting between them. "Nothing" Spiritkit answered clawing at the ground a bit in frustration. Cinderhawk gave his daughter a quick lick behind the ear and asked her "Can you bring this to the nursery?" he asked yanking out a hawk from the pile. Silverkit stared at the dead bird carcass it smelled of the mountains. Silverkits gaze turned toward the mountains a sort of longing feeling for it. Her mind turned to her previous dream about Reedheart and that tom she saw. And then the wolf that chase them along with the kits the two senior cats held. She closed her eyes her mind welling with questions. Who was the tom? Were the kit in the bush alright? How was Reedheart? Was she still in the cave? Only more questions started to well in her mind but the main question that was in her mind was. What did that cat mean before and who was she? The cats gentle voice started to ring in her mind"Only when the fighting stops will peace prosper... save what may be lost." What fighting? What may be lost? She finally snapped back to reality hearing Cinderhawk say to Spiritkit "This is something you will have to do as apprentice". Whatever argument they were having ended with that. Spiritkit bounded off toward the nursey the hawk in her jaws its wings dragged across the grounded as the she cat padded off. Cinderhawk turned toward Silverkit when Spiritki disappeared inside the nursery. He placed his tail on his daughters shoulder "You'll do fine" he cooed to her. She turned toward him her face full of confusion until it clicked her mind 'He thinks i'm worried about tomorrow' she thought. She gave him a small smile as he continued "Just listen to what your mentor says". She nodded "I'll do my best" she promised seeing pride engulf her fathers eyes and something else she couldn't quite point out. He gave her comforting lick behind her ear then bounded off toward the warriors den. She closed her eyes again thinking back toward her dream 'What can I do stop some fight?... i'm just one cat' she thought and bounded off back toward the nursery.

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