Chapter 3

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Silverkit felt a small nudge to her right shoulder and opened her eyes to see it was already sunhigh tiredly her paws felt a bit like stone as she rose to her paws. She let out a tired yawn as she stretched. Her mother Goldenfur loomed over her. Out of nowhere she started to ruffly lick Silverkits fur. She wasn't able to dodge the first a few licks but was able to dodge the rest. She rushed to her littermates sides who were laughing in the front the nursery den. She glared at them both saying nothing. Foxkit flicked his sisters ear in amusement "Don't worry she did the same thing to us". Spiritkit nodded still giggling a bit. Silverkit rolled her eyes then gave herself a quick grooming. She looked up in time to see her leader Spottedstar hop on top of the stern branch of the great tree that stood in the middle of the camp. Then padded to the top of Great Oak. The Great Oak was a old oak tree that had lost the top of it making it basically a log that had fallen over but stayed up with the help of a giant rock it layed on and the fact its roots were stuck between the stones that kept it up. The Oak was long enough for the small she cat to sit on and was able to look over the whole camp. The small white spotted she cat cleared her throat and called out "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey lay hear under the oak for a Clan meeting ". Some of the warriors padded to the Oak looking up at the she cat. Her deputy Shadowstrike sat under the tree her amber scanning the crowd before looking up at her leader as well. The small she cat tucked her tail over her paws as she spoke "Today is a great day we will be welcoming three new apprentices". Her gaze swept over the entire clan then rested on Silverkit and her siblings. Silverkit took a deep breath then started padding forward her siblings followed suit all there pelts brushing. She spotted Cinderhawk in the crowd his eyes full of pride along with his father Redclaw who was sitting next to him. She stopped in front of the old tree Foxkit and Spiritkit doing the same flanking her on both sides. "All three of you have reached the age of six moons and today you become apprentices. From this day until you have recieved your warrior names you you will be known as Silverpaw, Spiritpaw, and Foxpaw. Spiritpaw you shall be apprentice to Frostleap." She called. The white she cat warrior stepped forward her green eyes blazing "Frostleap you are ready to take on your first apprentice you have been trained well by Rosepelt. You have shown your loyalty and patients I hope you pass down all you have learned to Spiritpaw" The warrior nodded as Spiritpaw padded up to her and touched noses with the she cat. Next her clan leaders eyes landed on Foxpaw "Foxpaw you wish to learn the ways of the medicine cat am I right?" She asked. Foxpaw nodded as she continued "Then Poppytail do you wish to take Foxpaw as your apprentice and show him the ways of the medicine cat?" The tan she cat stepped forward her yellow eyes shinning "Yes" she answered. She could feel her brothers excitement pulsing through his pelt "Then I hope you entrust Foxpaw with the wisdom and knowledge that Whitefoot has you" Foxpaw padded happily over to the medicine cat and touched noses with her. The leader finally looked down at Silverpaw "And finally Silverpaw you shall be apprentice to Shadowstrike". Her eyes widen in shock as she looked at the she cat who seemed almost as shock but composed herself. "It is time you take on another apprentice you have done a good job mentoring Bluefeather and I hope you will pass down all the teachings you have learn from Reedheart to her." She told the she cat. Everything in Silverpaws mind went black. Reedheart?... she was the deputies mentor? She unconsciously padded up to the other she cat and touched noses with her. Did she know what happened to her? Did she know about the kits? She decided to push all the questions away for now long enough to listen to her clanmates chant her and her littermates names "Spiritpaw! Foxpaw! Silverpaw!" They chanted. She smiled a little. Then the chanted died down as the cats started to break apart going back to there duties. She padded off to the edge of the clearing in front of the nursery where Cinderhawk, Goldenfur, Redclaw, and Spiritpaw were. She stopped in front of them and felt her mother give her a few licks behind the ears then Spiritpaw. "I'm proud of all three of you" she purred as Foxpaw padded next to Silverpaw. She could pride flood between the group "We will do you both proud" she said her voice stern. Her mother gave her another lickon the forehead "You already have" she purred once more. Cinderhawks eyes flicked across the three cats "Do your best" he said touching muzzels with each of his kits. They all nodded finally Redclaw chimed in his voice kinda horse "You shall make fine warriors one day" He smiled at Grandchildren touching muzzles with them. That's when they decided to split off. Foxpaw was padding toward Poppytail who was waiting patiently outside the medicine cats den. While Spiritpaw was padding toward Frostleap who was waiting in front of the Bramble entrance. Silverpaw padded toward Shadowstrike who was still waiting under the Great Oak. She stopped in front of her new Mentor "Later we can take a tour across the border but for now you can pick out a place to sleep in the apprentices den" she said stern but gentle and flicked her tail toward the apprentice den. The apprentice only nodded and padded toward the opening to the den but was stopped by Sparrowpaw. "Congratulations Silverpaw" he chimed smiling at the she cat. "Thanks Sparowpaw" she smiled back. He looked into the den "I can show you a nice empty nest in there" he offered. Before she could respond she heard Mosswhisker yell across the clearing "Sparowpaw!". She saw him roll his eyes and he started to pad toward his mentor "Sorry i'll see ya later Silverpaw" he called over his shoulder and continued padding to the entrance. She padded in to the den starting to look through the nest.

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