Chapter 10

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Silverpaw stared at the tom in curiosity. Who was this tom? Was he a rogue or something? How did his mentor know him? The tom smiled a bit "Its been a while Shadowpaw wasn't it?". Shadowstrike looked at her paws a bit flustered "Its Shadowstrike now" she said with pride. He dipped his head in apology "My apology Shadowstrike" he meowed. She turned to look at the cats surrounding the cream colored tom but turned back around to see Spottedstar pad out her den with Bluefeather padding behind her. They hopped down the stone steps that led up to the leaders den. Spottedstar started padding toward Max and Shadowstrike. She stared at the tom in suprise "Max? It's been a while.." She dipped her head at him. Max dipped his head at her "Indeed Spottedfur... or is it Spottedstar now?" He asked. "Its Spottedstar now" her leader nodded. "Oh I see. That must mean that Flamestar must have died". Spottedstar's eyes clouded with grief "Yes he has joined Starclan now" the short she cat said followed by a small moment of silence. But max broke the silence "I'm sorry to hear that he was a great cat" the strange cat commented. Silverpaw took a paw step forward sniffing at the cat curiously. He smelled foreign not from any of the clans territories. But her father Cinderhawk put his tail out in front of her stopping her in place. He looked down at her with a warning glance. She felt someones pelt mangle her own and she looked over to see Spiritpaw flanking her on her side. Spottedstar broke the silence this time "What is it that you have come here for?" She said stern but gentle to the younger cat. The tom answered her quickly with no hesitation "I came to see my sister its been a while also to ask you something". Spottedstar's eyes once again clouded with grief "I see.. well follow me to my den we must speak" she said exchanging a glance with her deputy motioning her to follow. Shadowstrike didn't say a word as she followed her leader up the rocky steps into their leaders den guiding the cat by putting her tail on his nose. The clearing started to buzz to life after a few minutes of the tension passing. Spiritpaw asked the question that had started to fester in Silverpaws head "Why was she guiding him?". Cinderhawk put his tail down turning to look at both She cats "Because he's blind" he said licking his paw and dragging it across his face. Her sister stared at their father with curiosity "Did something happen to him?" She meowed. Her father continued to groom at his pelt as he answered "No if I remember right Olive said he was born with it.". Silverpaw took this time to chime in "Olive? Whose that?" She asked. Her father stopped his grooming and looked at them both "Olive is Maxe's mother". Silverpaw and Spiritpaw looked at each other at the same time "You knew her?" They both asked in unison. Cinderhawk shook his head "No I only know her from her one visit". "One visit? Was she a kittypet or a rogue?" Spiritpaw asked. "A kittypet" He answered calmly. Her sister lips drew back into a small snarl "Why would you let a kittypet into the camp? Let alone invite one to join the clan!". She started remember max saying something about having a sister. She saw her fathers eyes harden at her sister "They weren't regular kittypets they were half clan cats" He meowed. Cinderhawk cut the conversation there turning around away from his daughters "It doesn't matter now. What happened in the past already happened." He said then padded away toward the warriors den. She could hear her sister let out a small huff as she heard a voice say behind them "You know he's right". They both turned around seeing there mother Goldenfur behind them obviously overhearing there conversation. Spiritpaw let out a small groan "Yea but clans are suppose to be with clan cats not kittypets" her sister prompted. "Well something's change and change can be a good thing" her mother said gently then brushed pelts with Spiritpaw. Silverpaw brushed pelts with Spiritpaw on the other side "She's right" she agreed. Spiritpaw said lowly "fine." Goldenfur touched noses with both the apprentices " Good now can you both change the moss in the elders den? I don't think any of the apprentices have yet and Why your there you might as well make a nest for our guest" She asked referring to Max. They both nodded but muttered a complaint about having to change the elders moss but stopped when they're mother looked at them sternly.

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