Chapter 5

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Silverpaw eyes widened as she looked across the border line. Shadowstrikes eyes just narrowed as she looked at the cats. There was 4 of them in all 2 apprentices and 2 warriors. The one that had called out to Shadowstrike was a tan colored tom with black ear tips and paws. "Hello Blackear" she replied calmly. "What are you doing so close to the border?" He asked ignoring the greeting. She slashed her tail to the side "I'm just showing my new apprentice the border lines". The toms eyes were narrowed but before he could say anything he was interrupted "She didn't cross the border so there's no reason to have such a fit" said the other warrior with him. The second warrior was a broad shouldered Cinder tom with brown and black spots with a large scar across his face. She swore she saw him some where before but just couldn't remember where. "Hello Stoneclaw" The she cat said dipping her head to the tom. The tom dipped his head back but then was snapped at by the other tom "She was still to close to the border!" He snapped. Stoneclaw just sighed and looked towards the two she cats "It would be stupid for only two cats to try to cross the border wouldn't it?" He pointed out to the tom. "Also i'm pretty sure we could defend our borders perfectly fine" he added turning to Blackear. The tom just grumbled something Silverpaw couldn't quite hear and padded behind Stoneclaw heading deeper into the forest. The Tom sighed once more and turned towards the she cat "Its been a while Shadowstrike" the toms deep voice leveled. "Indeed it has" She agreed nodding to him. Silverpaw could feel some small tension in the air but decided against saying anything. For the first time since the patrol and them arrived she saw the tom looking at her exactly. His eyes met hers his eyes held a emotionless gaze "So who is this?" Shadowstrike rested her tail on the she cats shoulder "This is my apprentice Silverpaw". Silverpaw didn't say anything but dipped her head towards the cats. Stoneclaw smiled and dipped his head back "I am Stoneclaw and this is my apprentice Smallpaw" he said flicking his tail at a small white and black she cat with amber eyes. "And this is Blackears apprentice Bearpaw" he said flicking tail toward the other apprentice. The cat was a cinder tom tabby with black stripes across his whole body. He had dull golden eyes that was staring at her. Both the apprentices nodded in greeting. Stoneclaw smiled warmly at the young cats. Before any more words were said Shadowstrike said to the three cats "Well we'll be going now so you don't have to keep watching us like were kits" she said obviously knowing she was probably be looked at by Blackear somewhere in the trees. Shadowstrike turned around in the direction that led deeper into the forest instead of the way they came "Come Silverpaw". She urged snapping Silverpaw out of the train of thoughts. She look once more at the three cats before padding after the tortoiseshell. The she cats padded forward in silence she could no longer feel the cats eyes bore into her back. She padded under the trees looking up at the sky seeing small glimpses of the sun through the leaves. "Stupid furball" she heard her mentor mutter. She opened her mouth about to ask who was she refiring to but decided against it. She pondered on how to start up with another conversation but could not think of anything. She wasn't expecting it when she was ran into. She let out a small yelp which made Shadowstrike whirl around in a fast motion her claws unsheathed. She almost unsheathed her too but noticed the things bright ginger fur. "Foxpaw!" She hissed at her brother who was carrying some small pink an blue flowers with hairy leaves. Foxpaw set the bundle of flowers down "Sorry" he apologized as Poppytail appeared behind him carrying a bigger bundle of Flowers. She set them down "I told you not to run off" she said gently to him. "Its alright we weren't exactly watching were we were going" Shadowstrike jumped in mainly referring to Silverpaw. Poppytail sighed looking down at the small bundle of energy Silverpaw called her brother "You have to be more patient" she still urged her apprentice. Then she turned to the deputy "Did something happen?" She asked probably seeing the small frustration on her face. The deputy only slashed her tail in frustration "Nothing just a run in with a Fireclan patrol". Silverpaw saw her brothers ears twitched his eyes full of curiosity as he looked at his sister. Poppytails expression turned stern "Did they cross the border?" She asked. "No nothing like that. Blackear pretty much accused us of almost crossing the border". Poppytails expression softened "Blackears such an ignorant furball" she joked. "He's always been an ignorant furball" Shadowstrike murmured. She heard the she cat let out a small mmrow of laughter Shadowstrike joining in. While the she cats had small chitchat Silverpaw turned to her brother and leaned forward sniffing at the bundle of flowers he dropped "What are these?" She said smelling at the strange flowers. "There called Borage leaves. Poppytail wanted to get some more cause we were running out of it in the medicine cats den" he said nosing the flowers. Before Silverpaw could ask what they were for Foxpaw asked her what he had been curious about probably since Shadowstrike had brought it up "What happened with the Fireclan patrol?". His sister curled her tail around her paws "Nothing really" she said shrugging. "Like Shadowstrike said just them accusing us of about to go on there territory". The ginger toms eyes narrowed he obliviously was thinking of something he wasn't telling but waved it off. "Whatever as if we'd want those fox-hearted cats stupid territory" he snorted. "Yea I don't think I could really hunt in those woods" Silverpaw agreed. There conversation were cut short that as she heard her mentor say "You both can join us while we explore the rest of the territory if you like? And help carry back some herbs you might be low on." She offered. Poppytail nodded "Well we are low on catmint and there should be some at the old twoleg place near the Iceclan border" She said mindful. Shadowstrike rose to her paws "Then its settled we should continue on so we can make it there and back before sundown". Poppytail nodded and picked up her bundle leading the way now. Shadowstrike followed after her. Foxpaw picked up his smaller bundle and Silverpaw rose to her paws as well. Silverpaw padded side by side with her littermate behind the she cats.

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