Chapter 13

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Silverpaw let out a tired muffled sigh as she entered the camp carrying a black bird and a plump vole. She would of had a rabbit as well but she accidentally stepped on a twig and it ran away. Followed behind her was Shadowstrike holding the rabbit that got away and 2 mouses, Bluefeather who had 2 voles and a robin. And Owltalon who caught a shrew and a Thrush. While the rest of the patrol was putting their fresh kill on the pile Silverpaw noticed that Max was outside the warriors den sunning himself with Rosepelt. She dropped her vole but kept the blackbird and padded to the elders den. She knew how much the old she cat loved blackbirds. The 2 cats let out a small mmrow as she padded up to them "It was an accident I didn't expect to see cats to appear out of nowhere then". The she cat argued at the cat. Max let out a small mmrow of laughter "I suppose so but still". The 2 cats looked up at Silverpaw as she stopped in front of them and laid the blackbird . Max looked at her curiously sniffing toward her "Who is this?" He asked in a friendly tone his amber eyes staring into her Forest green eyes. She kinda found it a bit surprising that this cat was blind. "This is Silverpaw one of our newer apprentices. She is Goldenfur and Cinderhawk's kit" She said before digging into her blackbird. Max stood up "Hello Silverpaw, I am Max" he said dippind his head to her. "Nice to meet you meet you Max" she said dipping her head back. He smiled slightly then asked her curiously "Hey do you know where I can get some water?". She flicked her tail toward the medicine cats den "I'm sure Poppytail has some moss with water soaked in it in her den." She said but the tom shook his head. "I mean in the forest" he said casually then stretched clawing at the dirt. She looked at him confused from what her father had said kittypets loved to do nothing but be pampered and lay around all day and that they hated the forest. "Wouldn't you rather just get a wet moss ball?" She asked. "No I would rather get out of the camp and stretch my paws" He said licking at his shoulder. Silverpaw looked at Rosepelt curious if she would be allowed to show the older cat to the lake. But the older she cat was still gobbling down her blackbird like a hungry kit. Then she looked across the clearing at her mentor who was Sharing tongues with her brother Owltalon. In her mind she scoffed 'Finally!' as she saw her brother touch noses with the young she cat. She turned back around to the tom "I can show you" She decided. The tom stopped his grooming and looked at her "You don't have to I can manage to get there on my own I don't want to be trouble". Silverpaw smiled slightly "Its ok I just finished my hunting patrol and I may have a fighting practice but that probably won't be for a while" she meowed to the tom. "I see well thank you" He said dipping his head at her. They both said there byes to Rosepelt before heading out the thorn tunnel. The tom had said he could follow her fine but she was still a bit worried he might fall or stray off so she guided him with her tail on his shoulder. "So what is it like being a kittypet?" She asked bluntly out of curiosity. She knew it must of sound rude to the other but her curiosity was killing her since she left the camp. But none the less he kept that small smile on his face "Its boring at times but its not a bad life" he said. "I would of loved to be able to have lived in the forest though" he added. The she cat continued up the small rocky slope that led toward the river that separated them from Fireclan "Then why didn't you?" She asked. "Would you have wanted a blind cat in your clan?" He asked back. She thought about it for a second "I think it would of still been fine" She finally said after a minute of silence. She heard him scoff behind her "Well other people wouldn't think the same way" he commented. She understood the cats thinking that no one would want a blind cat in their clan but she knew that her clanmates would eventually come around to the other cat even if they didn't like it. Both cats stayed silent as they headed left between two giant oak trees. She would of taken the cat to the river between the two borders but she was worried about if a patrol came by from the other clan. She didn't dislike the other she just didn't want them to think her clan was so weak they'd recruit Kittypets. She eventually broke the silence feeling the grass swish across her paws she asked "Why did your mom leave your sister in the forest?". The tom stayed silent as they padded on then said as they neared the lake "So she knew that she would be safe" he said almost in a whisper. He had a strange expression on his face after saying that. Once they reached the forest the tom bent down and lapped at the water. Silverpaw copied the cat her mind thinking about what she was just told. He was right the forest was a place where she was safe but the cat had died so it couldn't have been that safe in his eyes. "I see well Olive must have been a good mother to give away her kit for its safety also I'm sure your sister was safe here" She said watching as the tom stopped his lapping. The tom stood back up and looked at the she cat "Do you think the forest is a safe place for kits?" He asked closing his eyes. Silverpaw was a bit taken back by his question but answered quickly "Of course! We take care of our kits". The tom opened his amber eyes and looked her straight in her green eyes "I see". "Why did you ask?" She asked curiously. "Because the reason I came here is because I truly did want to see my sister but....." he paused then continued. "You know and I came here to ask if Darkclan would take in my kits". Silverpaw stared at the tom a bit before saying "Oh.". The tom continued to eye her "But I wasn't so sure after hearing about Reedheart" he said his voice full of grief. Her mind went blank for a second 'Reedheart.... is his sister..? ...... So she did die'. She could feel the toms grief spread to her as she let out a small sad sigh. "Can you promise me they'll be safe? And won't get hurt" The tom asked breaking her thoughts. She looked at the toms eyes it was stern this time. She spoke with confidence shaking off the shakiness that threatened to come up "I can't promise you they won't get hurt or injured but I can promise you they'll be safe in Darkclan". The tom eyed her looking as though he was serching for any hint of a lie, but obviously couldn't have been the case; however, he still let out a relief sigh. "If you can honestly promise me there safe here then maybe I can leave them with little worry" he said some doubt on his face. Silverpaw pushed her muzzle to the toms shoulder but said nothing. She really couldn't promise they wouldn't get hurt but she could promise they'd be safe and she'd protect them.

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