Chapter 2

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Silverkits prov:
Silverkit felt a small nudge on her shoulder as she snored softly. She ignored the nudge rolling around the opposite direction of the nudge. "Wake up!" The voice hissed impatience dripping from the voice. She opened her eyes seeing her sisters bright blue eyes staring into hers and her brothers green eyes staring tiredly in the darkness. She have time to think as Spiritkit nudged her to her paws and was pushing her to the back of the den. She let out a small tired sigh as she stopped in front of the back wall being careful not to step on Greyflower or Goldenfur. She stepped to the side brushing pelts with Foxkit who was leaning on her letting out quiet yawns. Spiritkit nosed some vines to the side revealing a small hole big enough for them to fit through. She flatten her self to the ground and crawled out of the hole. Foxkit and Spiritkit exchanged nervous glances and did the same and followed her out the hole. Spiritkit was swerved past some of the trees and ran as fast as she could away from the camp. Which Foxkit and Silverkit followed quietly. Once they were far enough Silverkit hissed at Spiritkit about to scold her sister until she cut her off "I told you we should explore" she said bouncing excitedly. Her tail flicked in annoyance maybe it wasn't wise to egg her on earlier either. Spiritkit padded toward her and nudged her with her nose "Don't tell me your scared" she said teasingly to her sister. Silverkit fixed her with a challenging grin "Me? Scared?". Spiritkit matched her grin "Yep as scared as a kittypet is of the forest". Her neck fur bristled "Alright I accept the challenge". Foxkit seemed to have time to wake up a bit as he got between the two she cats "But we need to be well rested for tomorrow its our apprentice ceremonies" he pointed out. Spiritkit flicked her brothers ear with her tail "Don't worry we won't be out that long" she said in a soothing tone before starting up the small slope that led deeper into the forest. Foxkit eyes started to beam with excitement as he looked almost everywhere taking in the forest along with its scent. Spiritkit was no different as she lead the way through the forest excitedly taking in there territory amazingly despite she was the one that found the small hole. Silverkit shared in the excitement as well but a small part of her was worried they were nearing the border marker for Fireclan territory. The place where Reedheart was possibly killed even a small kit. She couldn't help that her neck fur started to bristle at the thought of the wolves. She looked into the distance it was moornrise it was also the Halfmoon too. Her fur started to lie flat as she thought about just in another halfmoon she would be able to go to her first gathering. She didn't notice her sister falling in beside her and her brother "Just think in another halfmoon we will be going to our first gathering" Spiritkit purred. Silverkit let out a purr of agreement it would be exciting to meet cats from other clans. Maybe she'd see the tom from her dream well if he even existed. Foxkit nodded in agreement "I wanna meet the other medicine cats and travel to the Mooncrystal" he declared. Silverkit let out a purr of amusement her brother had already made it clear that he wanted to be a medicine cat. Spiritkit scoffed a bit "I don't get why you wanna be a medicine cat. I mean all you'll be doing is taking care of sick cats all the time you'll never be able to explore". Foxkit glared at his sister "Hey medicine cats do more than that!" He hissed. Spiritkit turned toward him "What I mean is-" she let a suprised yelp as Silverkit yanked her back by her scruff. She whirled around looking at her sister anger engulfing her eyes "Hay what was that for!" She hissed. Silverkit pointed toward where she was about to step. It was a small river at least paw deep and small enough for an easy leap over "This is where The Fireclan border line starts" she explained. Both Foxkit and Spiritkit looked at her in confusion "How did you know that?" They asked in unison. Silverkits tail twitched nervously "Because this is where our territories scent ends" she answered. It seemed to be a good enough answer for them as they started up the side of the river. They all continued padding in unison up the river in silence. Silverkit stopped after a while her eyes familiar with this part of the territory. Her littermates stopped a few steps a head of her "What's wrong?" Foxkit asked. "I think its time we head back" Silverkit answered. Spiritkit turned toward her the excitement emanating off her gone "Come on just a bit longer" she whined. "Its already Moonhigh it'll be sunup soon and we need a lot of rest for tomorrow" she advised. Foxkit seemed all for heading back while Spiritkit let out a few grumbling words but continued back with no complaint. Silverkit lead the way back stopping when passing by a small bush that had a few flowers growing there. She was happy that Newleaf just arrived. She leaned down and sniffed at the almost new leaves but of course it didn't really have any scents except for a few mice scents and her clan mates scent she identified as Sparrowpaw. She remembered playing with him and his sister Robinpaw in the nursery for a while until they became apprentices 2 moons ago. She couldn't help smiling a bit it would be great to train with them. She was a bit sad though that the kits scent nor Reedhearts was there anymore. Her littermates had waited a head of her a foxlength away looking at each other "Did you smell something?" Spiritkit asked when Silverkit padded up to them. "I thought I smelled a vole but it was nothing" she lied. Spiritkit took the lead again with Foxkit behind her and Silverkit bringing up the rear her tail drooping a bit. Tomorrow would be the day she would be an apprentice so why was she upset?

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