Chapter 17

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Silverpaw padded quietly among the dark pine tree'd forest confidentially. It may sound strange but she started to become very familiar with the forest. Silverpaws ears started to twitched waiting for any type of sound. She really wanted to see the she cat they hadn't talked since she saw the forest on fire. The thought of the burning fire sent shivers down Silverpaws spine. Silverpaw continued padding in silence only hearing the sound of the wind swishing through her fur. She started to grow rather impatient with the eerie silence "Applepelt! Are you here?" She called out but was answered with nothing but the continuous eerie silence. She let out a small sigh and tried again "Applepelt if you can here me please answer!" She yowled. But once again met with nothing but silence. Silverpaws claws raked the ground as her she let out a small growl 'Why isn't she answering me?'. She snapped out of her thought as she heard something snap. Silverpaw looked to her side and saw silver eyes staring at her. Silverpaws eyes grew wide in fear she knew that sound. She heard the creature let out a low growl and stept forward. It was a wolf. Its Black pelt shimmered in the moonlight. The creature was much bigger Silverpaw. The wolf gave her a wolfy grin before launching itself toward her. She tried her best snapped herself out of her feared state 'Come on your gonna be a warrior! Your not afraid of this over grown furball' but her paws felt rooted to the ground. She couldn't move no matter how hard she tried. Silverpaw closed her eyes shut as tight as she could getting ready for the pain. But it never came. She heard a loud yowl then a low grunt. Whatever she had heard it didn't sound like a cat or a wolf. She opened her eyes and saw a creature she had seen only a few times but mainly when she visited the mountains to hunt for eagles or maybe blackbirds that got away. It was a bear. The bear let out a loud growl and slashed at the wolf with its large fore paws. The wolf dodge to the side then dived at the bear biting at its hind legs. Silverpaw could feel every inch of her body shiver in fear as her paws continued to stay rooted to the ground. She watched the bear let out a painful cry before leaning down in a quick motion and biting down on the wolfs neck who was the one who was now crying out in pain. The bear swung the wolf that he had dangling in his jaws into a tree. The wolf fell to the ground with a thud and laid motionless on the ground. The bear turned to Silverpaw its dull golden eyes shined as it staggered toward her. Silverpaws ears drew back and she let out a low growl as if ready to leap on the giant beast that was almost 4x her size. The bear fell in front of Silverpaw on its brown belly. Blood was starting to flood from his body as it opened its jaws quivering. The bears golden eyes met Silverpaws forest green eyes in a gaze. Silverpaws eyes widened as she watched the bears eyes slowly start to lose life. The bear leaned forward and touched noses with Silverpaw "Trust in the bear" she heard a voice echo. Then the bear fell to the ground motionless like the wolf. "I don't understand" Silverpaw whispered then looked toward the star filled sky. "What are you trying to tell me Starclan?" She asked before feeling an unbearable dizziness. Soon everything went dark.

Silverpaw eyes shot open filled with fear before realizing she was back into the apprentices den. It was already Sunhigh. She looked around her and saw that every nest but hers and Spiritpaws was empty. She looked around her nest to see moss sprawled out of place along with feathers and some sticking to her pelt. She got up and swayed to the sides a bit. The dizziness seemed to follow her out of her dream. Silverpaw shook her pelt to get rid some of the moss that stuck to it "Good you are awake" She heard a voice say. She turned to the entrance and saw Sparrowpaw waiting. "Shadowstrike told me to come get you. Your on the hunting patrol with us" he said cheerfully. Silverpaw stretched and et out a small yawn "I see". She said then padded toward Sparrowpaw and brushed past him. Their pelts brushed as she passed him and was into the clearing. Silverpaw looked across the clearing seeing Spottedstar speaking with her son Harepaw, Bluefeather chatting with Frostleap and Cinderhawk, and Goldenfur padding in to the nursery with a vole and blackbird. Silverpaw lead the way over to the bramble thicket entrance seeing Shadowstrike and Mosswhisker waiting on them. "So what's with that new she cat?" She heard Sparrowpaw whisper to her in a low voice. "We found her last night on our way back from the gathering with her kit" Silverpaw explained in the same whispering voice. Sparrowpaws eyes narrowed "It was just them?" He asked his eyes full of suspicion. Spiritpaw let out a small mmrow of laughter and flicked her denmates ear playfully. The furball had always been suspicious of everything from a leaf on the ground to a nursing queen. "Of course it was just them we would of ran them off if there was more. Besides don't worry if we ever get attacked by a band of rogues I'll protect you". She heard Sparrowpaw let out a small huff and padded in front of Silverpaw heading toward his mentor.

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