Chapter 14

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Silverpaw waited patiently in the clearing for the time when Spottedstar would come out and tell them it was time to leave. Her mind was still wrapped in the thought about what she had learned from what Max had told her. She let out a tired sigh she had been thinking since she arrived back in the hollow. Her mind was especially wrapped in Reedhearts death. So she really did die by that wolf. She shut her eyes in thought. Why was Reedheart in that cave? Who was the tom with her? And why did Max honestly relied on Silverpaw for an answer of will they be safe in Darkclan? She was interrupted with a small paw prodding her in the shoulder. She opened her eyes and saw Ravenkit staring at her. "Wanna play with us Silverpaw?" She asked pointing with her tail over to her littermates Snowkit and Ashkit who were play wrestling with Greyflower watching them from in front of the nursery. The small kit smiled at her starting to bat at her. But Silverpaw smiled sadly "No thank you maybe later" she said watching the kit slightly frown. For some reason ever since the kit was able to leave the nursery she always wanted to play with Silverpaw. The kit looked at her like a sister would another. She felt a small pain of sympathy for the kit she only had brothers no sisters. Well it was partially because this was Rustlefoots and Greyflowers first litter of kits. She expected them to possibly have more in the future but probably not for more moons to come. But still she did like the kit she was very curious though. Ravenkit started to bat at Silverpaws tail instead of going over to play with her littermates. Silverpaw only let out a small mmrow of laughter and held her tail up out of reach for the kits paws. The kit started to reach for the others tail batting at nothing but air. The kit soon gave up and laid down beside Silverpaw almost being completely absorbed in the older she cats fur. "Silverpaw?" She asked curiously. "Yes?" She asked putting her head on her paws. "Will you tell me about the gathering?" She asked innocently. She chuckled a bit and pressed her nose to the small she cats cheek "Of course" she mewed soothingly. The kit quieted down again then said out of nowhere "When i'm a warrior I wanna be called Ravenstorm". The kit sounded so excited to bring up the topic of being a warrior. Silverpaw let out a small purr "Well you'll have to see since Spottedstar will pick your warrior name". Ravenkit looked up at her "What do you wanna be called?" She asked. Silverpaw actually never thought of what she'd want to be called as a warrior. She pondered on it for a moment "I'm not sure" she admitted. The kit seemed to ponder for a moment then opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by Spottedstar padding down the stone steps from her den. She stood up and let out a little stretch. Ravenkit copied her and let out a small yawn. Silverpaw lead Ravenkit over to her mother and brothers. Ravenkit padded to her mothers side their pelts brushing. Greyflower gave her a lick on the head and then looked at Silverpaw. "Have fun at the gathering" she smiled warmly. Silverpaw nodded and started for the Bramble thicket. When she had made it to the group when she saw Spottedstar with a wave of her tail telling the group it was time to leave. Silverpaw saw Shadowstrike by Spottedstars side, Owltalon brushing pelts with Shadowstrike on her other side, Poppytail waiting patiently beside her brother Foxpaw, and Spiritpaw beside her mentor Frostleap. Spottedstar lead the patrol through the thicket entrance and into the forest. Silverpaw stayed in the back taking up the rear her littermates flanking her on both sides. "Finally our first gathering!" Her sister said excitedly bouncing beside her. "It feels like we've been waiting forever" Foxpaw chimed in happily. Silverpaw nodded in agreement deciding to forget her thoughts about earlier until later. The group went up the grassy slope that headed to the Iceclan border. Silverpaws paws itched with excitement. She'd get to cross another clans border! Silverpaw could see the Twoleg nest from where they were when they crossed the border. They had to stay close to the lake and far away from the Moore when crossing the Iceclan border. Silverpaw could taste the scent of Fireclan and Iceclan cats and some Rainclan up a head. Spottedstar lead them to a pebble stone bridge that crossed a small river that led to the meeting place and the bridge was at the farthest of the Iceclan territory about to cross the Rainclan border. The pebble bridge smelled faintly of Twolegs but mainly smelled of clan cats. Spottedstar lead them across the small bridge waiting until all the cats had crossed before continuing into the small forest that laid on the other side. The forest was cut off from all the territories because of the river that surrounded it. The forest had giant willow trees that had vines hanging from them. Silverpaw could see outlines of cats in the distance. Once the group made it through the forest and padded into the clearing where they held the gathering. Silverpaw and her littermates eyes widened almost as wide as the moon. 'Theirs so many cat's!" They all thought in unison

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