Chapter 11

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Silverpaw padded toward the elders den a mouth full of moss between her jaws. Spiritpaw had decided to stay in the Medicine cats den and fill in Foxpaw and Poppytail about what was happening with the 'intruder'. Silverpaw popped her head between the ivy plants that covered the front of the den unlike the ferns that covered the front of the nursery. She saw Redclaw sprawled out on his nest and Rosepelt looking through his fur. "Found it!" The cream colored she cat called out triumphantly as she carefully removed what looked like a thorn from the old toms shoulder. The she cat spat it into a pile that had some stale moss in the corner. Silverpaw carefully put the fresh moss down "Hello Rosepelt and Redclaw". Rosepelt looked over her shoulder at Silverpaw "Hello Silverpaw" she smiled. Her grandfather Redclaw lifted his head and looked at her tiredly "Hey". Rosepelt started to continue to look through the toms fur as he moved toward the entrance so Silverpaw could change his bedding. She started to feel through the moss with her front paw finding a few thorns and stale moss. Once she had gotten rid of the stale moss and put the thorns in the pile. She started to replace with the new fresh moss she brought. When that was done she started to work on Rosepelt nest which had not really any thorns but a bunch of stale moss. Silverpaw let out a sigh of relief once she was done. She watched Rosepelt curl up in her soft nest happily and shut her eyes. While Redclaw sat next to Silverpaw grooming his chest fur. Silverpaw licked at Redclaws shoulder "Does your shoulder hurt?" She asked. "A little bit but its fine" he said touching his nose to the she cats cheek. Silverpaw wasn't falling for it though "I'll tell you Foxpaw he can bring some herbs for it" She said then nudged the short legged cat toward his nest. Redclaw let out a small mmrow of laughter "What am I a kit?" He said laying down in his nest. Silverpaw didn't say anything as she picked up the moss ball of stale moss and thorns with her teeth carefully and padded out of the den. She saw Foxpaw and Spiritpaw padding toward the Elders den. Before Spiritpaw could say anything Silverpaw dropped the ball at her Sisters front paws "Can you get rid of this?" She asked her voice a bit weak. Her sister reluctantly to the ball and padded off obviously not wanting to argue. Foxpaw looked at her sister a bit worried "Are you alright?" He asked. Silverpaw nodded "Yes just a bit tired" she answered. "Then maybe you should get some rest it'll be Moonrise soon" her brother insisted. Silverpaw wouldn't lie her muscles ached from training all day but she'd rest soon. "I will I promise also Redclaw got a few thorns in his fur and in his shoulder" She said and her brother nodded. "Good and okay I'll get some Burnet for him" he said and turned around padding back toward the medicine cats den. She let out a tired sigh she could really use some sleep but her stomach started to growl she hadn't eaten for a while. She padded toward the fresh kill pile and saw Oakpaw about to eat a plump vole next to it. She patted up to the tom letting out a tired yawn. "Hey Silverpaw" he greeted happily. "Hi Oakpaw" she greeted tiredly stopping in her tracks. She looked at the pile trying to pick out something but stopped when hearing Oakpaw ask her "You wanna share this with me?". She looked at the tom gratefully "Sure" she said plopping down beside him. The vole was gone with in a few hungry bites from both cats. "Thank you" Silverpaw meowed getting to her paws. "No problem" Oakpaw said leading the She cat to the apprentices den. Oakpaw plopped down at his nest in the front next to Robinpaw while Silverpaw went to her nest in the back next to Sparrowpaw and Spiritpaw. She let out a sigh of relief as she sprawled out in her nest it felt good to finally rest. She slowly started to slip in to a deep sleep hearing nothing but her clan mates soft snoring.

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