Chapter 7

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Marie P.O.V 

      Gwen and I have been at my house for a while now. Dustin and Isaac should be coming over any minute now. Since we left until now, I have been crying. I haven't cried this much since the last time Timmy hurt me and then I had enough.

       Gwen was rubbing my back and telling me nice things, when the doorbell rang. Gwen got up and went to go open the door. A few seconds later, the door was whipped open and there stood Dustin and Isaac and then Gwen standing behind them.

        "Marie, what the fuck was that about?" Dustin said getting mad.  

        "Dustin don't make it worse. Calm down and then when Marie gets a hold of herself, she will tell you guys." Gwen told the boys. I wiped my eyes and took a few deep breaths and then I started to talk.

         "Back in the sophmore year of high school, when I was still living in Washington. Me and a group of my friends were going to the state football game because our team was in it. So we were at the game, when a group of guys decides to stand right behind us and mess with us. My friends and I soon got really annoyed, so we turned around and started cussing them out and stuff. One of the guys, Timmy, told me we should hang out sometime. Me being a a young sophmore girl and him being a junior, I was like sure. A few days later, we hung out after school and we hit it off. I was sure that Timmy would be the one, but that wasn't until a few months after we started dating. We were going to go to a concert in the park that was close to my house. When we got there, some of his friends were there, so he went off with them and left me. I saw some people from my school, so I hung out with them. At the end of the night, Timmy came back and he was beyond drunk and high. I don't know what him and his friends were doing, but it wasn't good. We got into his car and he started to drive extremely fast. I was arguing with him about that I should drive, but he wouldn't bugde. I kept arguing and arguing with him, when finally he pulled over and got out of the car. He came around to my side fo the car and dragged me out." I took a big breath before I started again. 

         "We were on a back road, so there was no cars. He took my into the field next to it and started beating me. I couldn't fight back, since he is so big, so I just took it. When he finished beating me, he just left me out in the field. I was bloody, brusied, and a lot more things. He got into his car and drove off. I knew where he took me because it wasn't that far from my house. I stalked home trying to walk normal, but I was in to much pain to. When I got home, my mom and dad were at the door frantically pacing. I opened the door and fell to the ground crying. They kept asking me questions, but I was in to much pain to answer them. They finally gave up and helped me up to my room. It wasn't the only time he beat me. My parents always told me to be careful when I was around him. A month after the first beating and getting beat more, I broke up with him. He told me to watch my back and I will regret breaking up with him. I never saw him since, except at the ice cream shop." I finished my story and looked at my friends. They all had shocked faces.

            "Maire, I am so sorry that happened to you. You are an amzing, beautiful, smart girl and that should have never happened." Gwen gave me a hug. I looked at Dustin and Isaac and they both had looks on their faces like they want to kill Timmy now.

             "I'm okay now. I just hope I never see him again." I said to reassure the guys not to kill him and I am fine. "How about we go into my living room and watch movies?" I asked them. They all nodded and then we made our way to my living room. 

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