Chapter 15

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Marie's P.O.V

      I have been in my bed since I got home from school. Gwen got me ice cream and a bunch of movies. I have also been crying since Dustin first said he broke up with me. I don't know what to do with myself. I feel free, yet I feel alone. 

      I was up all night crying. Gwen stayed over and my mom was totally fine with it. She even let Gwen and I stay home for the day to go out and get mani/pedis and get our hair done. My mom said that her mom would always do this if her or her sister would get broken up with. 

      Gwen and I got up and then my mom took us to the nail salon. We all sat in the nice massage chairs and got our nails and toes done. My mom got a French tip on her hands a pretty blue color on her toes. Gwen got acrylic nails with a cute pink and black design on her hands and a hot pink color on her toes. I got arcilic nails aslo, but mine were a blue and a white design. On my toes, I got a nice blue color to match my nails. When we finished with our nails, my mom drove us to a hair salon.

       At the hair salon, my mom didn't care what we did with our hair as long as we didn't shave it all off. I decided on dying my hair dark blue at the top and light blue at the bottom. Gwen is going to dye her hair a light pink color. My mom just got blonde highlights in her hair. She has the brown hair and I have the blonde hair. I got my hair from my dad. 

       We finished getting our hair done and then we went to a cute little diner that is next to the hair salon. There weren't that many people at the diner, so we sat down in a booth and waited for a waiter or waitress to come. 

       I was looking at the menu, when I hear the door open and boys voices talking really loud. I looked up and saw a bunch of football players from my school. I was sitting across form Gwen and kicked her in the knee. She imediately looked up at me and I nodded my head over to the door. She turned around and saw the boys. Amongst the football players, were Dustin and Isaac. 

       Isaac has been really nice to me after Dustin broke up with me, but I'm more worried about Dustin seeing me. I looked back down at my menu and tried to decide what to get. 

       In my head, I was saying, ' Please don't reconize me. Please.' I was still saying this in my head, when I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up and saw Dustin and Isaac standing at the edge of our table.

       "Hey Marie, Gwen, Mrs. Hanes. What are you guys doing here? And why weren't you two at school today?" Isaac asked us.

        "We wanted to have girls day and this was the only day that Marie's mom could take off." Gwen said in a stern ton.

        "Oh okay, well I like what you guys did to your hair. We better get back to our table. Hopefully we will see you tomorrow." Isaac and Dustin walked off. That whole time I was looking down at my hands and I could feel Dustin's eyes on me.

        "Hey Mom, do you think I could get a tattoo?" I asked her right there and then.

        "Maire, why would you want a tattoo?" my mom asked shocked.

        "I don't know. I just think it would be cool to have one. Can I get one?" I asked her again.

        "Sure, we can go get one after we eat. Gwen would you want one?" my mom asked her.

        "Mrs. Hanes, I would, but you have already paid for my hair and nails to be done. Along with  my food, I could not have you do that for me." 

         "Nonsense. We can all get one. I never told you this Marie, but I got a tattoo when I was 18. It's on my back. I can show it to you when we get to the tattoo parlor." I looked at my mom in shock. I never knew she had one.

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