Chapter 5

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{Morgan's POV}

I slowly woke up to find Riley and Keaton gone, where did they go. As I began to freak out the door opened revealing them.

"Look who finally woke up." Keaton said as he smiled at me with that beautiful smile of his.

"Mommy Keats took me to the beach." Riley said running over to me hopping on my lap. I was so happy Keaton liked Riley and they he took her to the beach. Keaton took Riley into the kitchen to go get something to eat, I guess it's just going to be me, Keaton and Riley today I assumed. I looked at my phone to see I had 3 messages, 1 was from Lisbeth and 2 from Blaine. I decided to open Lisbeth's first.


Haha I took your phone when you were sleeping and put my number in it. Well besides that Wes, Drew, Jordan and I are hanging out with Emily before she leaves so its just you, Keaton and Riley. Love ya lots :)

Man do I love that girl and I assumed right, I was happy it was just going to be us I missed Keaton more then anyone will ever know. So next was Blaine's I bet he was worried about Riley.


Morgan why the fuck didn't you call me when you landed, I have been so worried.

To: Blaine

I ran into Emily and thanks for telling her I was coming back when I told you not too!

After texting back to the first one I knew the second one would be as bad.


Morgan I'm flying out in couple weeks to spend time with Riley before her birthday.

To: Blaine

Ok that's fine and Riley will really love that :)

After texting Blaine back I walked into the kitchen to see what Keaton and Riley where up too. I walked into the kitchen to find flour on almost everything. I looked over at a flour covered Keaton and looked down at a flour covered Riley. They both started laughing, I couldn't be mad it was so cute really.

"We were trying to make something for you but as you can tell it didn't go well." Keaton said in between laughs, it was a sweet gesture.

"Aww that's sweet of you guys but I know someone that needs to get cleaned up." I said walking over to Riley and picking her up while she giggled.

"Ok you go clean up Riley and I will clean up in here." Keaton said as I walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the bathroom.

"Mommy I like Keats he is funny." Riley said as I ran water for her to take a bath.

"Yeah he is funny isn't he." I said stripping Riley of her clothes and putting her into he bath tub. Riley was beyond adorable she had curly brown hair like me and baby blue eyes that could melt any heart. As I finished helping Riley wash up after that i got her out of the bath and rapped a towel around her as she looked up at me.

"Mommy do you like Keats?" Riley said as I froze.

"Do you?" I heard Keaton I turned to see him standing in the door way of the bathroom. I told Riley to go to my room and put on here pjs. As Riley ran out the room and down the hall I stood up and walked over to Keaton.

"Well ain't that a dumb question." I said looking up at Keaton smiling.

"Well do you?" He said looking down at me.

"Keaton I don't like you I love you!" I said as I gazed into his eyes, I have missed everything about him. As a smiled creeped onto Keaton's face he slowly started to lean in, I felt his soft lips on mine as our lips started to move in sync.

"Eww!" Riley said from the hallway, me and Keaton broke apart as I started to blush.

"Oh wait till one day when you are older." Keaton said ruining over to Riley and picking her up. As the night progressed I couldn't help but blush and think of that amazing kiss earlier. We decided to watch Finding Nemo, as we all pilled on the couch. Riley was on Keaton's lap and I was right beside him. I felt Keaton put his arm around me and pull me closer to him, as I was closer Keaton whispered in my ear.

"Morgan I missed you." He said while he kissed my forehead, this boy was my happiness and I was so excited to be back in his arms again.

"Well look at the happy family!" Wes said opening the door, I noticed they had suitcases with them.

"What up with the suitcases?" I asked being curious.

"Well since we are here 24/7 we decided since you have enough room for everyone why not move in." Drew said before walking up stairs with his stuff and Lisbeth right behind him. Wes took the room beside Jordan downstairs and Drew and Lisbeth took Emily's old room and Keaton took Sandi's. I was so happy they were moving in with me and lord knows I can use a lot of help with Riley. Riley slowly woke up from the spot on Keaton's lap.

"Mommy?" Riley asked slowly opening her eyes to look at me.

"Do I hear my Riley?" Wes said walking into the living room, Riley's face lite up at the sound of his voice.

"Wes!" Riley said getting up from Keaton and running to Wes. Wes loves Riley more then anyone.

"Hey Riley you want to have a movie marathon with me?" Wes said looking at Riley smiling.

"Mommy can I?" She said looking at me.

"Go." I said as I watched Wes pick Riley up and carry her to his room, I just loved how everyone got so attached to Riley in one day. It was now just me and Keaton in the living room Jordan went to bed and so did Lisbeth and Drew.

"Morgan I really did miss you." Keaton said turning to look at me.

"Keaton I missed you more then you will ever know." I said turning to look at him. He couldn't help but smile and neither could I just missed him so much. He turned back to the TV and I snuggled into him. Before I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep I heard Keaton say something.

"Morgan I love you!"

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