Chapter 2

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{Morgan'a POV}

I watched as the ambulance drove away with what felt like Michelle's body, I tried to think about everything that had happened tonight. Then it hit me Michelle never went anywhere without Riley and she would never leave Riley with me and Scott.

"Scott killed his own mother!" I said in a complete whisper. I knew that if I didn't start listening to Scott it would be me leaving in a body bag. I slowly made my way to mine and Scott's bedroom as I slowly opened the door the sound of Scott's snores surrounded the room. I eased my way into my side trying to not wake Scott. I laid there thinking about Michelle and everything she has done for me and I knew that I have to leave Scott, that was my last thought before I drifted off to sleep.

- The Next Morning -

I was awoken by yelling and screaming and I had a feeling it was Scott yelling at Riley. I jumped out of bed and raced down the hallway. As I got closer I knew that voice anywhere it wasn't Riley and Scott it was Blaine and Scott, I got a little closer to hear what they were talking about.

"Scott what the fuck is wrong with you, why in the hell would you kill your own mom?" Blaine yelled while getting frustrated with Scott.

"She was helping Morgan and I knew she would get Morgan to leave and that's not going to happen!" Scott said angrily at Blaine.

"Scott you need to let Morgan go, you have had her long enough and Keaton and them are done with her just please let her go." Blaine pleaded as I heard his footsteps come closer to where I was standing.

"Blaine I can't do that, you don't know what it's like to love someone so much but they don't love you back it hurts it really does." Scott said while actually sounding serious.

"Dude I know how it feels but that doesn't give to an excuse to be a dick or kill your own mom!" Blaine said as he walked back to Scott.

"I don't know what came over me last night and after all that I beat Morgan right in front of Riley." Said Scott who sounded like he was holding back tears. I have never heard a Scott talk like this to anyone ever in my life.

"Blaine I'm going to talk to Morgan can you take Riley out for the day?" Scott asked sounding upset about something.

"Sure dude I will go get her now." Blaine said as he walked closer and closer to me. I tried backing up and going back to the room but I was caught by Blaine.

"Morgan what the fuck?!?"

"Blaine listen you got to help me I need to get out of her it's best for me and Riley please! Blaine please turn Scott in please I know he is still pissed at me from last night just please!" I begged hoping Blaine would help me. Blaine pulled me into a hug.

"Morgan that's what I planned on doing." Blaine whispered in my ear as he pulled away from the hug and headed to Riley's room. Was today the actual day I would leave Scott and everything. As I hugged and kissed Riley bye I had a feeling today was going to be hell. Blaine and Riley left closing the door right behind them I turned to look at a pissed Scott.

"Morgan I know you were listening that's why I said all that shit, and I knew Blaine would eat it all up." Scott said while he had a evil smirk on his face.

"Scott please just please don't do anything please think about Riley she needs her mom." I tried pleading before Scott pushed me up against the wall.

"Morgan you have always been a little bitch, and you know no guy will ever love you!" He whispered in my ear.

"You're wrong Scott Keaton loves me!" I yelled, I knew saying Keaton's name would piss him off more.

"That little pretty boy, Morgan he moved on he never did love you and I hear he his happy you're gone." He said pushing me into the wall harder. I knew he was wrong about Keaton right? I lowered my head in shame as Scott chuckled. I had a feeling today was going to be my last day all I kept wondering is where in the hell is Blaine with the cops. Scott let me go and I fell to the ground, he stood over top of me looking down with a giant smile. I knew the best thing for me to do was kick him in the balls so that's what I did, as he fell to the ground I got up and ran to Riley's room pushing the dresser in front of the door while locking it.

"Morgan open the fucking door, and my mom ain't here to save you this time!" He yelled while he started kicking the door.

"Scott just let me go ok just please." I begged hopping he would finally give in.

"Morgan you ain't going anywhere!" He yelled while he kept kicking the door. I was waiting for the door to break and Scott to come in to beat me to my death. I heard I loud bang and people running into the house, I don't know what's going on.

"Morgan?!? Are you in there?"

"Blaine?" I asked being surprised he finally came back. I opened the door as fast as I could to see a worried looking Blaine. I ran right into his arms hugging him so tight that I never wanted to let him go.

"He is gone now the police got him and he wouldn't hurt you ever again." Blaine said while holding me so tight.

"What was that bang?!?" I asked wondering what happened.

"Morgan Scott was putting up a fight he wouldn't do what the police wanted, Scott pulled a gun a aimed it at Officer Davis and they only thing they could do was shoot him." Blaine said while looking at me, I just couldn't believe it my nightmare was over and everything was done.

"Can I go home?!?" I asked looking up at him.

"Yeah Morgan I put you on a flight back to West Virginia in the morning." He said while smiling at me, with his grin that I feel in love with in high school.

"No my home back in California, that's where I belong and that's where I want to take Riley, speaking of Riley where is she?" Asked being panicked hoping she was ok.

"Ok Cali it is and she is fine she is outside playing in a cop car." He said while laughing at me being worried.

"Blaine there is one thing I want you to do for me." I said looking down.

"What would that be Morgan?" He said grabbing my chin to make me look at him.

"Don't tell anyone I'm going back to Cali."

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